Borrower Destiny x Jacksepticeye

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Happy late birthday @Wolf34howler aka Destiny!!! 🥳🥳🥳

Jack had finished his grocery shopping for the next two weeks. As he headed back to his car, he noticed it was late, and very few cars were in the parking lot. He went to his care and opened the truck, throwing his groceries in and was about to get in his car himself when he spotted movement by one of the car's tires. He turned on his phone's flashlight and looked under, very surprised at what he saw. A young fox or wolf borrower girl, barely 3 inches tall. Her hair was long, tangled, and brown, same as the fur on her tail. She had on a torn long-sleeved black dress that barely surpassed her knees. She flinched at the light and snarled at Jack. She tried to run, but Jack grabbed her before she could get far. The hybrid borrower growled and clawed fearfully at Jack, making him wince but he kept his grip on her. He brought her to his face and blew on her for a second, making her cough but stopping. Jack opened his car and sat in the driver's seat. The girl looked, cold, tired, scared, and hungry. Jack sighed and grabbed a water bottle and carefully filled the cap with water. He gently lowered her onto his lap, still keeping a hand on her and offered her the water.

"Here tiny, drink this," Jack said softly, not wanting to scare her anymore then her already had. The girl looked at him fearfully, but did drink the water. She sighed with relief and Jack smiled at her.

"Hey, I know you borrower guys have rules, but maybe you could let me help you?" Jack asked her. The girl fiddled with that fur on her tail. Her brown eyes met his blue ones and she scowled, laying her ears flat on her head.

"T-try anything f-funny, and I'll scratch y-your eyes out," she warned, her voice sounding harsh, like it hasn't been used in a while. Jack nodded and set her on the dashboard of his car, and began to drive home. The wolf girl, who was a 19-year-old named Destiny, watched the scene in front of her, her mouth agape from wonder. She'd always wondered what driving in a car was like and was enjoying the lights that zipped by. Her tail wagged happily and Jack glanced at her, smiling a little. He was pretty sure he had some clothes her size at his house, speaking of which...

Jack pulled up to his home. It was pushing 10pm and he gently lifted Destiny, earning a low growl from her, but it stopped when he set her on his shoulder. She grabbed handfuls of his shirt as Jack brought his groceries in the house and set them and her on the counter. He left for a minute to lock his car.

"Stay there, I'll be right back," Jack said. Destiny nodded and when he left, she stood up and looked around. There were no signs of borrowers living in his home, and she grew upset. That meant no escape routes. Jack came back and looked her over; she was filthy. He sighed looking at her.

"Alright, let's get you cleaned, mkay?" he asked her, holding his hand out beside her. Destiny frowned at him, but slowly crawled onto his palm. Jack felt a great sense of pride come over him when she willingly crawled onto his hand and he brought her to the bathroom sink. He turned on warm water, grabbed some shampoo, and began to clean her off leaving her in her dress still. Destiny hated getting wet and struggled to herself free.

"P-put me down! Stop it now!" she growled, starting to claw at him again. Jack winced at her claws but kept gently cleaning her off. The running water turned black as grime from Destiny washed off, leaving her once dark brown hair and tail, a now redish brown color, and her skin paler. Jack smiled and turned off the water, instantly starting to gently dry her off, despite her shouting and profanity. He set her down, and placed borrower size clothing beside her. She looked at him confused.

"Where did you get these?" Destiny demanded.

"From a garage sale, I thought they looked neat," Jack said turning around to give her privacy. Destiny understood and quickly changed, happy to be rid of that filthy, raggy old dress. She pulled on new clean undergarments, black leggings, and a short-sleeve, soft blue tunic shirt. She coughed, getting Jack's attention. He smiled at her.

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