I Hate You, Bro (Jeff x tiny Lui)

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For @CreepyLolita this was a great idea!

Contains no v*re

Lui's POV

I was devastated. Jeff had killed our parents and tried to kill me. I thought he succeed, but when I woke up, I was in the walls of a giant mansion, less than two inches tall. I saw Sully for the shortest time, but he abandoned me. He told me that he tried to save me from death, and when I began to wake, I shrunk. He made himself two inches tall only to tell me this:

"I don't want to be stuck with someone as weak as you. Ya know, I had actually hoped that when you woke up, we could kill Jeff. But now, you couldn't even kill a beetle. Pathetic. Can't say I enjoyed our time together Lui." and with that, Sully was gone and I was completely alone. I spent several days in a depressed state; wandering through the vents of the mansion. You can imagine my shock when I found my brother here, along with other killers. I knew I would have to stay hidden, otherwise, Jeff may try to kill me all over again. And now that I was this size, no telling how he would do it.

4 years later...

I looked in the mirror shard I had. I have to say I was pretty proud of myself! I managed to find a special hole inside the vents that looked like an abandoned rat nest and made quite the home for myself! My home has a small fireplace for cooking, a nice bed made out of socks, a fake candle, and several other things. I have to tell you, I never thought being this small, or a borrower as apparently that's what small people who live in walls are called, would be easy! Well, I shouldn't say easy, but after some time, you get used to it! I've memorized everyone's schedules, when borrowing in one particular room would be best, and where Masky hides the cheesecake! There is one thing that bothers me though and its Jeff. I wanna say I hate him for what he did to our family, but I can't. I can't hate my own brother and to be honest, I forgave him some time ago, but I can't tell him that for obvious reasons.

Night quickly came and everyone left for their missions. I decided to grab a battery and a piece of flintstone. Ben had the batteries, and Jeff has the flintstone. Yes, he sharpens his knives and I've seen pieces of flint fall on the floor. My current piece of flint was worn out completely so if I didn't want to eat raw meat or cold leftover soup, I needed that flint. Both Jeff and Ben kept their batteries and flint in their rooms so I would have to be quick. I've done this kind of trip before, and never really had problems. I always do Ben first because the batteries are heavy and he teleports so I have to use a lot of strength and speed to get what I need before he decided to pop in. With Jeff's flint, it's a little longer of a trip because he likes to sit on his bed while sharpening his knives. The vent I use to enter his room his high above his desk which is opposite to his bed. This means I have to lower myself down from a high place via rope, get off the desk, travel the whole length of the room and back, and climb back up the rope.

And no, he only has that one vent in his room...

I snagged Ben's battery and rushed it to my home and quickly went to Jeff's room. I stood still, just to catch my breath for a minute. I then fastened the rope to the vent and quickly lowered myself down onto the desk. When I landed, I threw the rest of the rope off to the side, so I would have something to climb up. Jeff's desk was always a mess, like not even kidding! Dirty laundry, dull knives, and a few empty beer bottles. Oh, as well as dried up blood. Blood adorned the gray, almost black walls of the room, giving it a very eerie atmosphere. Some throwing knives were also left in the wall, but I shrugged off the feeling of getting killed and jumped onto the chair, which had clothes piled on it too. Geez, if we were back at home, mom would give Jeffery a piece of her mind! I jump off the dirty clothes and land on a pile of socks. I get up and bolt across the room, which still took me a good two minutes of running. I reach the queen-sized bed, that had plain black sheets, blankets, and pillows. I grab two large pieces of flint and just before I could run back to my rope, the door slams open, making me jump and run under the bed. Crap Jeff was back.

"Damn Jack, that was my kill!" Jeff growled, falling back onto his bed. I knew I would have to wait under the bed until he fell asleep before running back. I sat down and then heard... crying? I heard faint sniffing and groans. Jeff was crying?! Over not killing someone?! Geez, four years can really change someone. He began to mutter something I couldn't hear. I strained to listen and finally heard it: I'm sorry. He was saying sorry? Why was he saying sorry? I knew this was dangerous, but I peeked out from under the bed to hear better, and that ended up being a huge mistake. Guess who was right above me?

Fucking Smile Dog... WHEN DID THAT SON OF A BITCH GET INTO THE ROOM?!?!?!? Smile growled at me and barked, making Jeff growl.

"Shut up, ya stupid mutt!" Jeff yelled. Smile ignored him and scooped me up in his jaws. I screamed as loud as I could. The darkness in Smile's mouth smelled horrible and I felt sick to my stomach. Sudden Smile made a loud whimper and I felt him fall. What I didn't know is that Jeff, upon hearing me scream, had punched Smile Dog and grabbed his mouth, prying it open. I fell out onto the floor, covered in slobber. The second I was free, Jeff grabbed Smile by the scruff and threw him out the door of his room, slamming the door shut. Then Jeff turned to look at me and I was terrified. I tried to back away, but Jeff stomped over, grabbed me harshly. He brought me up to his face and froze. I'm pretty sure if he still had his eyelids, he would blink in surprise and disbelief.

"L-Lui?!" Jeff cried. I gave a nervous smile.

"Hey bro," I said, squirming slightly. Jeff sat on his bed and loosened his grip a little. He looked at me and frown. "You're supposed to be dead... why aren't you dead?" he demanded. I shrugged and told him that shortly after he 'killed' me, Sully had shrunk me but when he saw how quote on quote weak I was, he abandoned me. The only reason he saved me so we could've found a way to kill Jeff. Jeff just kept staring at me, frowning. If we weren't brothers, this would've much more awkward. Jeff lies back on his bed and holds me above his face. He gritted his teeth and brought me to his chest. He placed both his hands on top of me in a sort of hug. I couldn't see his face anymore but his breathing made me realize he was about to cry again. I felt bad and spread my arms and grabbed some of his hoodie in the best hug I could manage. Jeff gave a small sniff and sighed.

"I hate you bro," Jeff muttered, but I knew what he was really saying.

"Yeah, I love you too," I smirk. Things slowly looked up for both Jeff and me. For the next month, we just spent spare time talking and screwing with each other, like the time I used a permanent marker on Jeff's face to make a mustache! But secrets are hard to keep in a house of psychos and introducing me would be better than waiting too long. Eventually, Jeff introduce me to Slenderman who was more than surprised to find out I was living in the house for 4 years without him noticing. He said I could stay, despite I wouldn't be able to do any real killing. I quickly met the others and spent some time playing dollhouse with Sally, as well as video games with Ben. I also stole some cheesecake! =) Jeff and I had managed to fix our bro bond and I was glad that even after years of craziness, we both still have family.

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