Thunderhoof x Reader

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Another successful roleplay, I hope y'all enjoy!

Thunderhoof was doing work in his room but he never liked the human friend they got named Y/n. The rest of the bots liked her but he didn't, he just thinks she's an annoying brat! Y/n was a sweet girl. She had stumbled across the Decepticons (Steeljaw) one day a few weeks ago and surprisingly got along with him well. She wasn't naive about the cons but they all did warm up to her. She helped them navigate the earth and found them some vehicle modes. She couldn't understand why Thunderhoof didn't like her, but she quickly assumed it was because some bots/cons just don't like humans.

Thunderhoof was working in his room and growled. "Stupid Y/n she annoying she thinks that we Decepticons should be nice! Hah! Yeah, right she just stupid!" He said to himself.

"I heard that," Y/n said. She was passing by Thunderhoof's room when she heard his muttering. "Also, I'm not annoying. I'm assertive."

"Yeah right just don't bother me," Thunderhoof rolled his optics.

"I DONT bother you is the problem! You're the one who pisses a fit whenever I enter a room!" Y/n snapped back.

"No, I don't!" Thunderhoof growled and glared at her

"Umm... yeah, you do! You're a giant metal baby!" Y/n snapped starting to walk away tired of trying to be nice to Thunderhoof. He growled and grabbed her.

"I'm not a sparkling!" he shouted at her.

"You're certainly acting like one right now! Now put me down!" Y/n yelled banging her fists on his hand.

Thunderhoof growled. "You know I think you need a time out and I know where to put you," he smirked as his fuel tank growled. Y/n's face paled when she heard his fuel tank go off.

"Okay! I'm sorry! Just put me down!" She cried wiggling in his grip. Thunderhoof smirked as he opened his mouth and tossed her in. Y/n screamed as she flew through the air and landed in his mouth. She panicked and backed up, scrambling to get out.

"THUNDERHOOF STOP IT!!! STOP IT NOW!!!" she screamed. Thunderhoof smirked and closed his mouth and began to toss her around in his mouth, his glossa wrapping and unwrapping around her and surprisingly she tasted sweet and only swallowed his saliva savoring her.  Y/n looked fearfully at the throat, not wishing to go there. She began to kick and punch the metallic tongue has hard as she could.

"LET ME OUT!!! PLEASE!!!" Y/n screamed/sobbed. Thunderhoof smirked and swallowed a little teasing his prey. She yelped and grabbed that gross pink (or grey) thing that dangles at the back of the throat (uvula), hoping that grabbing it would cause Thunderhoof to cough her out. He growled but smirked getting an idea he opened his mouth thinking she will try to escape. Y/n smiled faintly when she saw light, and quickly scrambled towards it, not realizing that is what Thunderhoof wanted. He smirked and quickly closed his mouth and swallowed hard. Y/n paled when she realized what she had done. She screamed and cried as she was sucked down TH's throat. When she landed in his fuel tank, she froze not moving an inch, fear paralyzing her and causing her to tremble.

Thunderhoof smirked licking his lips. "For a human like you, you were so sweet~" he patted his stomach.

"L-let me ou-t," Y/n sobbed, "I-I don't wanna be in here!" She cried slowly moving to the nearest stomach wall and tucking her legs to her chest. Y/n wrapped her arms around her legs and tears really began to fall from her face. "I don't want to d-die," she whispered, her voice and body shaking from her sobbing.

Thunderhoof sighed rubbing his belly. "You're not going to die."

Y/n looked up with a tear-stained face, feeling Thunderhoof rubbing his stomach. She reluctantly leaned into the walls, taking in the comfort of walls and movement. "I'm not?" She managed to ask.

Thunderhoof nodded. "Yes because you're an organic we Cybertronians can't digest any organic and also its because your too sweet to be digested~"

"I refuse to acknowledge the second half of that statement," Y/n grumbled, wiping her tears away. A faint blush was on her cheeks, however.

"Fine I don't care just don't cry okay," Thunderhoof sighed.

Y/n took a deep breath. "Okay, I won't... but... can I come out now?" she asked hopefully.

Thunderhoof shook his head. "Sorry sweetheart but you're staying in there for a little longer," he replied.

"You know I'll just keep bugging you until you let me out, right?" Y/n asked standing up still somewhat leaning on the stomach wall for support. "Geez, it's hella squishy in here!" She thought to herself. "Besides! Don't you think that this whole experience was punishment enough for me?!" She shouted at him.

Thunderhoof nodded. "Yes but you feel nice in there especially when you move around," he smirked. Y/n gave a weird expression and immediately sat down, legs and arms crossed.

"Nope, nah-ah, nada, no way, and hella NO!" She said refusing to move now. She hated to admit it, but the dimly lit, slimy, yet warm and squishy environment was getting to her. Not to mention all the screaming, fighting, and crying from earlier had worn her out a bit too. She rubbed her eyes and held back a yawn.

Thunderhoof hummed when he felt her settle down. "You should have a rest and sleep you must be tried," he said.

"No, I'm not. You can't prove anything," Y/n said. Then as if the whole universe wanted to prove her wrong, she yawned. She frowned at herself. "Frag it..."

Thunderhoof chuckled. "Oh really, sweetheart? Not tired?" he teased as Y/n sighed and curled up against the walls, finally admitting defeat. "Whatever," she muttered. Sleep washed over her like waves and as she drifted off she faintly smiled, knowing she was had finally gotten Thunderhoof to like her.

Thunderhoof smiled rubbing his belly gently. "Good night sweetheart~"

1000 words exactly! LOL how about that? XD

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