Naga!Mark x Reader

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For @Black_Raven277 and I kill the reader off because I want a different ending so for those of you who are sensitive to death topics and dying, go away and spare yourselves

For the brave soul still reading this, let's get on with it!
Enjoy dying >:3

Y/n was lost. Very lost. They were on a hike and somehow they had strayed from the trail and since they didn't bring a map, they were dead lost. To make matters worse, it was getting dark. They weren't afraid of the dark normally, but normally Y/n wasn't lost in a huge forest that could hold something that could kill them. Not a fun predicament...

After about an hour of wandering around, Y/n heard a faint chuckle. They looked around panicking, trying to find where it was coming from.

"Now, what's a human like you doing in a place like this?" the voice asked. It sounded oddly familiar to Y/n, but they didn't know why. They took a deep breath before answering, after all, this person or thing was still a stranger to them and the fact that Y/n couldn't see them made them more aware.

"I'm lost," they answered. The voice hummed in the pitch black forest, and Y/n really began to wish they had a flashlight. Suddenly something cold and strong wrapped around their waist, pinning their arms to their sides. Y/n yelped as they were quickly lifted off the ground and were pulled into a tall tree. In the half moon light, they could faintly see a large face. Y/n blinked rapidly trying to see the face better and realized with dread that this creature was a naga, a half human half snake creature. The naga brought its face towards Y/n and they gasped seeing who it was.

"M-Markiplier?!" they cried, faintly relieved but still terrified. Mark smirked and poked the 5-inch-tall kid's foot. Y/n yelped at that as Mark chuckled.

"So, you're a fan? What's your name?" he asked them. Y/n nodded, asnwering the questions and wiggled a little in his tail's tight grip. It was still too dark to clearly see Mark or his tail.

"Well, then Y/n would you do me a favor?" Mark asked, a glint in his snake eyes. Y/n wasn't too sure, but slowly agreed. Mark smirked and licked Y/n's face, making them squeak and try to get away. Mark chcukled darkly and licked his lips. Y/n started to tremble with wide e/c eyes, realizing that the glint in his eyes was a hungry one.

"Would you mind being my dinner?" he asked with a smirk, shoving Y/n headfirst into his mouth. Y/n screamed and struggled, pleading to be let out. Mark ignored them and licked and tossed them around, treating them like a piece of hard candy. He swallowed hard, sending them down into his throat. He purred as he rubbed the wiggling lump on his throat that marked where Y/n was. It felt nice to have a wiggling meal for once. With one more hard gulp, he had them fully in his stomach.

"Uuuuuuurp!" he burped, chuckling a little. He smirked feeling Y/n squirming and thrashing.

"Mark!! Let me out please!!!" Y/n begged, sobbing and hitting the gurgling stomach walls. Mark shook his head.

"No can do, I haven't had a meal like this in ages, and I want to enjoy it. So go ahead, try to get out, it's entertaining," he smirked as Y/n began to scream and thrash inside him, begging him to stop the acids. Mark yawned happily and rubbed his stomach, slowly feeling Y/n's screams and struggles fade as they dissolved into a bloody, fleshy mess. He sighed when Y/n had stopped moving all together, and poked his stomach, only getting a faint slosh and splash from it. He shrugged and yawned, now full from his good meal and ready to sleep.

"Thanks for the favor Y/n," Mark said drifting off to sleep. And Y/n was never seen or heard from again...

Told ya... you ded... Lol I'm horrible, sorry for killing you! T-T

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