Roadkill (Knockout x Zelly)

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For Jack5555583

Using my OC Zelly because I need fearplay rn...

14 year old Zelly was running for dear life. Too much was happening..


Clara was dead. Killed. Killed right in front of her. Her best friend murdered by a drunken hobo in the streets of Jasper Nevada. Zelly cried remembering the fear in Clara's blue eyes as she shoved Zelly, who was frozen to her spot with fear at seeing the knife, out of the way and the old guy slammed the knife into Clara's skull. A sickening cracking sound and dying scream rang in Zelly's ears and she'd just turned and ran.

For how long she didn't know..

How far she also didn't know..

Somehow fear and adrenaline had caused her to blindly run so far away from town that the lights from it were barely even visible. Zelly collapsed by the side of the road, sobbing harshly for her best friend as she curled up on the ground. Why was she such a coward?!
She should've died, not Clara!

Clara had too much love and life to give to die so soon at age 15.


She was as scared as a mouse and too shy to do much of anything.

The world didn't need her.. the world needed Clara. Zelly sobbed harder at the thought. The dirt covered, exhausted, and overwhelmed teen just wanted to vanish..

Some ways up the road about a few miles, a Decepticon named Knockout was driving back to his groundbridge recall point after being in a street race. He won of course no big surprise but he was really looking forward to something to eat. He had been away from the Nemesis for two days and while he did have spare energon it was for emergencies only. Knockout was about to call the bridge when he zipped past a weird thing by the road. He stopped, and backed up a little and shone his headlights on the thing. It was a human girl, and judging by her shaking, a crying one. Zelly looked up at the fancy car and backed up from it weakly when it's lights shone on her. She stood up and wiped tears off her face.

"W-what?" She asked her voice worn and thick from crying. Knockout felt his fuel tank grumble and he grinned as he got a devilishly wonderful idea. He was hungry, here was a human, he needed to save his Energon, and needed a human to study anyway. What's more, judging by how she looked and acted, no one would miss her much. He chuckled and partially rolled his window down.

"Well dollface, I could ask you the same thing. What's a small thing like you doing so far away from town?" He asked her. Zelly didn't like the way he spoke and backed up.

"Leave me alone," she said seriously and KO smirked, transforming and looming over her. Zelly paled and fell back from surprise, backpedaling away from him. The red con chuckled at her fear; it made her look delicious~

"Or what morsel?" He smirked and reached for her but Zelly rolled to her side and ran from him into the nearby woods. Knockout laughed and followed her, taking his sweet time as the human panicked and tried to hide. Knockout chuckled and looked around.

"I should thank you. I always do love a game before a good snack," he smirked and Zelly whimpered and hid in a log. She hated this badly and the way he was acting, it scared her. This sick and sadistic game of cat and mouse made Zelly nauseous and a lump formed in her throat as she tried to keep her worn out and trembling body still. She froze when he stopped right in front of her log and she could see his feet and she was stomach down inside it. Knockout looked around and hummed.

"Mouse, come on out~," he cooed, "this game is making me hungry." His stomach went off with metallic groans and gurgles, as if it wholeheartedly agreed with the con. Knockout looked at the log and his life scanners showed his human was hiding there. He smirked and transformed his hand into a saw and began to slowly cut the log in half. Zelly froze when she heard metallic saw sounds and felt the log vibrate as the saw cut through the wood and nearly touched her back. The 14 year old panicked and scrambled out of the log with a sobbing scream, hyperventilating badly. Knockout grinned and grabbed her, and Zelly squirmed in his hand, struggling to get free as he lifted her to his face.

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