Tiny Animations

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@GabbydaFOX my dude!!! YOU ARE A GENIUS!!! This story is based on another story that I sadly don't have the link for T-T

ENjoy Anyway!!!

James had just finished uploading his never animation discussing movies and sequels. James was a YouTuber and a pretty popular one at that! His name is TheOdds1sOut and his next-door neighbor, a girl known as Jaiden, was also a YouTuber known as Jaiden Animations. James leaned back into his chair and thought to himself for a minute. It had been a week since he had seen or heard from Jaiden. He knew that she was probably busy like him, but everyone needs a break now and then, right? James jumped up, grabbed his phone, and called Jaiden.

"Hey, Jay!" James beamed as Jaiden picked up the phone. Jaiden chuckled, was there ever a moment where James wasn't a happy ball of energy?

"Hey James, whatcha doing?" Jaiden asked, sitting on her bed.

"Well, it has been a while since we hung out and I have a new video game I thought we could play!" James said. Jaiden quickly agreed and rushed over to James' house. Early that same day, James' mom had bought him a two-player Xbox game that didn't have a title. James' was a little suspicious at first but his mom reassured him that the game was age-appropriate. After setting it up and grabbing two beanbags, Jaiden arrived at James' house. The two immediately went to the game and fired it up. For the first few minutes, the game loaded but then, it seemed as if the tv had a silent explosion and a blue and purple swirling vortex hovered a few feet away from them.

"Uh... James, maybe we should call your mom," Jaiden said backing away from the thing. James being James, however, went towards the portal and stuck his hand in it. His hand slowly turned into dust particles and the rest of him followed. He looked at Jaiden and grinned as the rest of him turned to dust and was sucked into the portal. Jaiden began to freak out and instantly jumped after James. Or what was left of him anyway.


Jaiden woke on a field with short green grass that laid under a blue sky, and beside her was James. He was snoring slightly and muttering something about cake. Jaiden crawled over to him and punched his shoulder, waking him up with a start.

"Ow! Jaideeeeeeen! That hurt," he whined, putting on a pouty face. Jaiden rolled her eyes and stood up.

"Look what you got us into! Where the heck are we?!" she yelled looking around. James then pointed to what looked like a far-away city. Not having a better option or phones, Jaiden and James walked towards the city. When they got there, they were both shocked to see that they were just as tall as the buildings themselves and the people in the city were barely an inch tall.

"This could be a problem," James muttered as people screamed and fled. Nearby in an office building, Y/n was just finishing their work when a tv popped on and the news reporter was screaming how the city was under attack by two giant and urged all citizens to take cover. Y/n grabbed their thing and bolted outside. Sure enough, the city was in chaos, and they could see the giant, but the strange thing to Y/n was the giants seemed just as confused and scared as the people were. Y/n sighed and ran to the giants. The male giant was looking around his feet, afraid of something. Was he afraid of humans? The female giant looked confused too, and both of them refused to move. Y/n gulped and shouted at them.

"EXCUSE ME!!" they screamed. Jaiden and James immediately noticed Y/n and James slightly waved at them.

"Hello," he whispered as not to scare them, "You are?"

"I'm Y/n and what are you doing in my city?" they replied.

"Sorry, we... Got lost," Jaiden muttered, "We're trying to leave this world but we don't know what we're supposed to do."

"Well, I do!" a girl with brown hair shouted. Everyone looked at her weirdly and she smiled. "I am Katie aka the Ink Slinger of this scenario!!! And by the power vested in me by no one in particular, I declare a portal to open nearby!!!" And a portal opened just outside the city and Ink Slinger Katie poofed out before questions were asked!

"Oooooooookkaaaaaayyyyy..." James grumbled. Both James and Jaiden stood up and Y/n yelled at them again.

"Thanks for not destroying our city!" they cried. The two YouTubers nodded their heads and waved bye as they walked to the portal. Before they entered, they made a promise to throw away the game and leave this world in peace.

I am lazy AF... Sorry this isn't one of my better stories...

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