Sir Pentious x Child Borrower

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For @S20334 Other then Sir Pentious being a character from a grown up YouTube series called Hazbin Hotel, have no caption for this. OH! And I'm trying a different scenario so I hope ya like it!

It wasn't a very good day for Pentious, the very well dressed, overly dramatic naga/snake demon dude thing. He lost his flying battle ship, got his butt whopped TWICE and lost like 3/4th of his little weird egg army and minions. He slithered into his mansion home and slumped onto the living room floor. His hat bounced off his head and onto the coat rack and Pentious grumbled. He needed some company...

"Y/N!!! Y/n ya little ssssssssneaky kid where are you?" He yelled and didn't move otherwise. A small sound of tiny pattering feet sounded and a little 9 year old child barely 4 inches tall came into the living room. They had h/c h/l hair, e/c eyes, and s/c skin and wore a white shirt and black jeans Pentious had made for them. The little human child ran up to his face and sat in front of it.

"Yup?" They asked curiously, popping the p. Pentious grumbled.

"I lost... I didn't seize the entire west side of the pentagram by day's end. Whats more, I got my rear kicked again!.. I'm a loser!!" Pentious whined, acting like a baby. He coiled his tail around himself and hid in his tail. Y/n frowned and crossed their arms. They stood up and smacked his tail, which barely hurt him.

"Penny out of the spaghetti, it won't help," They huffed and Pentious peeked out at the child.

"Good gracious Y/n I've told you its Pentious not Penny! Stop using that nickname," He said in a whiny voice, still wallowing in self pity. Y/n shook their head.

"Nope," they said and grabbed his tail tip and started to pull on it, "Get up and quit pouting." Pentious watched the little kid struggle to move him. He remembered very clearly how he found the kid; stealing food from his kitchen at 6 years old. The one thing that threw him off was the fact that they were still alive. Still human and well, had a kick for caring about others. Somehow that kid managed to steal Sir Pentious' heart in a matter of minutes, mostly because of how cute they were and still are. Now, he had a little human.... Companion roaming around his home doing what they pleased and comforting him when he needed someone's ear to listen to him. He smirked a little and wrapped his tail around Y/n, making them squeak and giggle a little.

"Ah! Help me!" They playfully cried, squirming in his coils. Pentious smirked and hissed at them, his snake tongue lightly flicking them.

"No one can help you my little Y/n~," he cooed and pulled them into his coils and snuggled them up to his cheek, keeping his tail and hands gently wrapped around the small child. Y/n giggled and patted his face and leaned against it.

"Better now?" Y/n asked him.

"Maybe a little," he muttered, smiling a small bit. Y/n yawned and got comfy for a nap and Pentious gave soft hisses as the child drifted off to sleep. He smiled at their sleeping form and decided to nap a little himself. He shifted a bit and yawned and went to sleep, his little companion safe and snug with him.

UGH!!! IM TIRED OF THESE GOING TO SLEEP ENDINGS IN MY STORIES BUT IM SO UNORIGINAL SOMETIMES AND I HAVE NO IDEAS!!!! Sorry for the shortness of the story and for the rant but I hope y'all enjoyed that little bit of fluff

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