Thunderhoof x Lucy

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Yup, its a roleplay!
This RP was done with @staymagical123
Enjoy!  😁

Lucy, a young 18-year-old girl with long red hair and blue eyes wandered around the woods near her home. Lucy loved the forest as it always gave her peace and provided some safety from her abusive father. Her old blue jeans had several colorful patches on them and her old white shirt was covered in dirt and her feet were bare. But she didn't mind. Lucy liked this outfit best and shoes bothered her feet. She continued her way through the woods, trying to get to the river.

But she felt like someone was watching her. Lucy looked around uneasily. She grabbed a large nearby stick and held it like a sword.

"Is someone there?! I have a stick and I'm not afraid to use it!" Lucy yelled. That's when she heard a low chuckle. 

"What you gonna do hit me?" The voiced laughed.

"I-if it comes to that, y-yes," Lucy stuttered, stick ready to whack. She slowly started to back away from where she thought the Australian voice was coming from. But that's when she bumped something from behind. Lucy froze when her back made contact with something warm. It wasn't a tree, no it was too smooth. She slowly looked up, her blue eyes meeting Thunderhoof's red optics.

"O-oh s-sugar honey iced t-tea!" Lucy barely managed to say, her body paralyzed with fear.. Thunderhoof smirked at her and picked her up.

"Well well well, what do we have here? A little human all by herself~" he smirked.

"H-hey! Put me down! Let me go! Please!" Lucy begged, on the verge of crying from fear. She thrashed around and beat her fists on Thunderhoof's hand, the fear she felt almost reminding her of how her father treated her.

Thunderhoof smirked. "Are you sure you want to be let go?"

"P-put me down, th-then let me go?" Lucy asked, not wanting to get dropped as she thought that's what Thunderhoof meant.  Thunderhoof smirked and opened his mouth lowing her into it.

"Wait! NO! WAIT! Please! Don't eat me please!" Lucy screamed/begged, tears starting to fall from her eyes. Thunderhoof just smirked and dropped her in and licked her around. Lucy yelped as the metallic tongue licked her body, coating her with blue saliva as it wrapped around her. She screamed and kicked at it, trying to break free of its grip.

"Please! Let me go! I won't tell anyone you were here! Please!" Lucy cried.

Thunderhoof ignored her pleas and licking her more, he loved it when his prey struggled and he was enjoying her sweet cinnamon sugar flavor. Lucy desperately crawled towards the front teeth and began hitting at them.

"Let me out please!" she sobbed, starting to lose hope. Thunderhoof smirked tilted his head back and swallowed hard. Lucy didn't bother fighting anymore and just let him do what he wanted. She cried silently as she was forced down a glowing metal tube, soaked in blue saliva.

Thunderhoof licked his lips as he felt her land in his fuel tank. "Heh for a human you tasted sweet~"

Lucky didn't answer, and just sat with a dull and depressed look in her eyes. She hiccupped and leaned against the walls, hugging herself. Maybe this was for the best. Dying. No one would miss her and her abusive father wouldn't care. She started crying again.

Thunderhoof was confused. "Why are you making those wired sounds human?"

"I-its called *hic* crying," Lucy sobbed.

"And why are you crying there's nothing to be sad about," Thunderhoof replied.

"Oh I don't *hic-hic* know! M-maybe it has something to do with the fact that y-*hic*-you just f*cking ate me and that I'll die and no one will miss me! So I hope you enjoyed your *hic* meal," Lucy yelled/sobbed, sitting up a bit, her eyes still dull. Thunderhoof sighed.

"Kid you're not going to die I can't digest organics," Thunderhoof said as-a-matter-of-factly.

Lucy sat dumbfounded. "W-what? I'm *hic* not? Then why eat me in the first place?" she asked, her sobbing starting to die down.

"W-well you looked kinda cold so that's why I eat you," he lied, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh," Lucy said. Little did she know was earlier that day when her dad was beating her, Thunderhoof had heard her screams.

"So... what will you do with me now?" Lucy asked, slightly afraid of the answer. But in all honesty, she would rather be kidnapped then forced to live with her dad any longer.

"I'll keep you in there for a while," Thunderhoof replied, starting to make his way back to his temporary base in a cave in some hills.

"A-a while?! Why?!" Lucy cried, trying to stand up, but falling over because of the sliminess.

"Well I heard you talk about how no-one loves or care about you," he said slowly.

"Yeah... so?" Lucy asked trying to stand up again. "Gah!" she yelped as she slipped again.

Thunderhoof chuckled. "I suggested not to move, you may slip in there."

"So wait you're saying you... care... about me? Ahh!" Lucy asked as she slipped again. She growled crawling over to a wall.

Thunderhoof blushed. "Y-yeah I actually do care about you." Lucy felt her face heat up and turn red. She squeaked and covered her face.

"Uh-I-um..." it was all the flustered Lucy could say. "B-but did you have to e-eat me to tell me that?!" Lucy squeaked, slipping a little again.

Thunderhoof nodded. "Well yes because I thought you'd ran off if you saw me."

"Yeah, but you scared me!" Lucy said back, give the metallic walls a light punch.

Thunderhoof sighed. "I'm sorry but yet again I don't blame you for hating me I did eat you."

"I don't hate you, and... I probably would've run," Lucy slowly admitted, starting to stroke his stomach walls.

Thunderhoof was surprised. "R-really you're really forgiving me after what I did?!"

"Yeah, I mean, as far as everyone else is considered, I just drowned the river. You saved me in a way," Lucy smiled, nuzzling the walls some.

Thunderhoof smiled and started to purr. "Heh that feels nice~" Lucy smiled and nuzzled him more, stroking the walls as she did so.

"It's not that bad in here to be honest," she replied.

Thunderhoof smiled. "I'm glad you like it in there."

Lucy yawned and stretched out, pushing the walls out. "Will I be in here much longer though?" Lucy asked, not really minding anymore.

"Well not for long but you can sleep in there if you want," he answered almost to his base.

"I'll you up on that offer. By the way, I'm Lucy," Lucy said as she snuggled into the walls. Thunderhoof smiled as he made it to his base and went to his make shift berth.

"Nice to meet you Lucy, the name's Thunderhoof," he replied laying down and gently rubbing where he felt her in his stomach.

"Nice to meet you too," Lucy yawned leaning into the comforting motion Thunderhoof provided. "And thanks." Lucy slowly began to fall asleep.

Thunderhoof smiled. "You're welcome," he smiled as Lucy fell asleep and soon he did too, both of them happy that for the first time in their lives, they weren't alone anymore.


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