Deceptidragon Knockout x Delilah

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Not a requested story or roleplay, but enjoy anyway! 😁 🥰

Delilah ran through the tall trees, jeering and taunting close behind her

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Delilah ran through the tall trees, jeering and taunting close behind her. She hated her school life; she was the popular girl and she hated it with a passion. The group of popular girls at her high school had dragged her into their group when they saw her looks and style. Delilah had an unnatural shade of blue eyes and almost platinum blonde hair and fair skin. For a 16-year-old, she was a little short, being 5"6, but she was also a very smart girl. She wanted to be a doctor and her parents supported her choice all the way. The school, however, did not. They said a pretty girl like Delilah should be a model, and the popular girls had tried many times to force makeup on her, but her skin was very sensitive to it and it made her break out in hives. Many times a day Delilah would beg to be kicked out of the popular girls but they said, "You keep us together!" which was one of their ways of saying do our work and we won't humiliate you. Well, today was the last straw and Delilah didn't care what would happen, something she would regret later. At lunch she publicly humiliated all the popular girls in the group via the prank in the cafeteria and social media posts. Her plan worked well, a little too well. She was kicked out, but what she didn't count on was all 9 of the popular girls' boyfriends to gang up on her. Right after school and before she could grab her stuff from her locker, they grabbed her and threw her into the trunk of one of their cars. The worst part was no one bothered to help, all too afraid of the thugs. After several hours or what felt like hours, the boys pulled her out of the trunk and set her running through a thick and unfamiliar woods.

Back to present time, Delilah ran through the woods. She'd lost her orange flats as well as her scarf running. The thugs were getting closer and Delilah screamed as she almost ran over the edge of a cliff, a roaring river waiting at the bottom. The thugs came into view, and unlike Delilah, weren't winded. The thrill of the hunt filling them with adrenaline. The head thug, who also happened to be the lead popular girl's boyfriend, chuckled at Delilah's poor condition.

"Tsk tsk tsk, what a shame. Such a pretty girl reduced to rags and dirt," he sneered as two thugs grabbed Delilah's arms. She screamed and thrashed around.

"Let me go! Leave me alone!" she screamed at them and they laughed in return. The head thug leaned into her face, a smirk on his.

"I might be able to let this slide... if," he started. Delilah scowled, still holding her ground.

"If what?" she spat.

"If you be my girlfriend~," he smirked, leaning closer to her face. Delilah gasped and kicked him in the nuts and spat in his face.

"NO!!!" She shrieked completely red with rage. The thugs who watched all made "oh" sounds and expressions as their leader hunched over in pain. He growled.

"Th-throw her over," he snapped. The thugs hesitated and Delilah paled, and began to struggle again. "DO IT DAMNIT!!!" he roared. The thugs holding Delilah shrugged and lifted her up. She screamed, thrashed and begged, but her cries were unheard as she fell over the edge. After 2 seconds of falling, her body made contact with fridge cold water and rapidly swept her away. She struggled against the current and cried out as her body hit rocks in the river. She saw the thugs leaving and suddenly she was slammed against a rock by the unforgiving water and blacked out.

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