Apple of my Eye (pred x childprey)

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(Characters are based off no one in particular)

Contains safe, protective, willing v*re

For @CreepyLolita

Daniel's POV

I wake up to something walking on my face. I knew who it was though, so I pretended to still be asleep as my little two-inch tall, 11-year-old, adopted daughter Apple started hitting my forehead.

"Wake up, daddy! Its Saturday!" she whined. I could feel her setting herself on my nose, so I carefully rolled onto my side, causing her to fall onto my pillow. She growled and I opened one of my eyes. There Apple sat crossed-legged and arms crossed, sill in her pale blue nightshirt and pants. Her long, bright red hair that had won her name a tangled mess and her celeste blue eyes scowling at me in the cutest way possible. I smiled at her, showing my sharp teeth. Yes, I am predator and Apple was supposed to be my prey, but no. I found her on December 8th while I was on a walk in the woods about 5 years ago. She was in thin rags shivering on the forest floor in heavy snowfall. I remember picking her up by the shirt and intending to eat her, but then I saw the scars and bruises on her bare little arms and legs. The poor child had been abused and abandoned; left to perish by the hands of the cold elements. Her blue eyes met my grey eyes; hers filled with tears and fear.

"P-please, make it quick," she whimpered, covering her face. I remember setting her on my palm and began to rub her back with one of my fingers. She looked up at me, confused and scared. I smiled softly at her.

"What's your name, half-pint?" I gently asked. She wiped her eyes and nose and curled into a ball.

"Apple and I-I'm six," she responds quietly. I smiled and gently picked up a piece of her hair.

"You look like an Apple," I replied, bringing her up to my face. She smiled a tiny bit and I saw her shivering in the cold and I immediately thought of something, but I also knew she wouldn't like it.

"You cold, half-pint?" I asked. She slowly nodded her head.

"I can get you somewhere safe and warm, but would you be okay with that?" I questioned her. She looked at me fearfully and carefully nodded her head. I slowly brought her to my mouth and had given her a little lick. She whimpered and flinched, but didn't move. I steadily placed her in my mouth and immediately tasted all the dirt and grime on her. I began to lick it off her as gently as I could; causing a new flavor of Honeycrisp apples and sweet cinnamon sugar to fill my senses. She had tried to push my tongue away and started crying loudly, begging to be let out. I would've been lying if I said I didn't like my prey to struggle, as I have always found it entertaining. But then was very different; I was saving her from cold death. It wasn't long before I tasted a bit of salt from her tears. I tilted my head back and let her slide into my throat and quickly swallowed her, sending her to my storage stomach. I felt her struggling as I began to make my way home. I hushed and stroked my stomach, barely able to feel her tiny form but soon her struggles died down and I could feel her sleeping soundly.

Back to the present time, Apple still waited for me to get up. I shook my head and rolled over, turning my back towards Apple. This action didn't make her give up, instead, she simply climbs up my dark brown hair to my ear.

"WAKE UP!!" she shouted. I grumble a little bit and pinch the back of her shirt and rolled over onto my back and held her above my face.

"The whole point of Saturday is to sleep in," I said groggily at her. She sticks her tongue out at me and pouts.

"You've been sleeping long enough! It's eight-thirty in the morning and I've been up for an hour!" she yells, eyes squinted shut and legs flailing around like crazy. I sigh and sit up, setting her on the floor. She makes proud little sounds as I walk out of my bedroom to the kitchen and she runs to her little white dollhouse to get dressed. I live in a small apartment and since adopting Apple, I have adapted the place to fit her size as well. Small ladders that led up to the counters in the kitchen, as well as tiny silverware and dishes, were there for her too. Ladders were also in the living room so she could reach high places. She had a small table on my table and her dollhouse aka bedroom is in my bedroom with working water and toilet in my room. No one I knew actually known about my daughter Apple. Half of the giant population was predatory and the other half was normal, so it is very uncommon for a predator to have a human for a companion. Much less a child for that matter!

I go to the counter and I made coffee for myself and grabbed a bagel with strawberry cream cheese for both of us. I set it on a plate and sat at the table as Apple came up to me and tapped my foot.

"Up please!" she calls. I lay my hand down and she jumps on. She had brushed her hair, leaving it down and had put on a pale pink t-shirt and light blue jeans that stopped past her knees. She normally refused to wear shoes. I lifted her up and let her slide onto the table and I start sipping my coffee as she attacks the bagel. I set my mug down and look at her again, this time laughing. She had managed to get herself covered in cream cheese and was trying to lick it off her shoulder.

"I have warned you not to face-plant the bagel before, haven't I?" I asked leaning forward. She looks up and me and frowns.

"This is your fault though!" she whines, "You know I love strawberry cream cheese!" I chuckle a bit and then we both heard my stomach going off. Apple grins and looks at me, slowly backing away. I smirk, knowing exactly where this was going. When I first adopted Apple, she'd always watch me, fearing that I would still eat her alive. Now, she was all too happy to be "gobbled up". I stand up and playfully growl at her, earning a small squeak from her.

"Please don't hurt me, Mr. Giant!" she giggled running across the table. I simply block her escape route, creating a wall with my hands and trapping her in my arms. She yells and turns to face me.

"Come on, pipsqueak. Would such a kind, sweet girl like yourself deny a poor giant like me breakfast?" I teased, showing my teeth.

"One, I'm not a pipsqueak! You're just tall! Second, I would deny you breakfast because you want to eat me for breakfast!" she sassily replies. I pinch her shirt again, lifting her up to my eyes. I chuckled at how much cream cheese she had on her and licked her feet. She screamed a bit, but not out of fear.

"What's this? Is my breakfast ticklish?" I smiled, a playful glint in my eyes.

"N-no! I'm not!" she grumbled, fists curled.

"Lier~" I sang, poking her sides. Smalls giggles escaped her and she quickly burst out laughing, trying to push my fingers away. I laugh and hold her above my mouth and Apple resumes her little fiasco.

"No! Please! I wanna live!" she cries.

"Ahhhhhh~," I hummed as I dropped her into my mouth. I chuckled as I heard her shout and playfully punch my tongue. I soon set to work licking all the cream cheese off her. Not going to lie; apples, strawberry, and cinnamon was not a bad combination! I was very tempted to swallow her, but she really needs to eat. I open my mouth and let her slide onto my hand. She looks at me and frowns.

"Aw! Why did you stop?" she whined again, wiping saliva off her arm. I grab a paper towel and began to dry her off.

"As much as I want to play 'Giant', someone still has to eat and clean their room," I smile setting her near the bagel. Another groan comes out of Apple and she flops on her back.

"I'm not eating and I'm not cleaning," she pouts, crossing her arms. I frown slightly and lean forward, partially leaning over her.

"And I don't want a Rotten Apple roaming around and there's a timeout jar with your name on it if you don't shape up," I reply, slight frown in my voice. Apple immediately sits up and tears off a piece of the bagel and finally stats eating. I pick up the bagel and began to eat it myself. I smile again as I look down at Apple, who had finished her bagel. I scoop her up and set her on the floor. She bolts across the floor and into my room to clean her dollhouse. I sigh and lean back into my chair. Indeed, this little red-headed child had brought a much-needed light into my home and to my life. I truly love her as if she was my own flesh and blood.

She truly is and forever will be the Apple of My Eye.

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