Babysitting One Direction

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Tessa has long light wavy hair, she has brown eyes and is very skinny because she doesn't eat enough because her Dad only lets her eat one slice of bread a day. He abuses her day and night, most of the time she escapes and spends half her life in the garden shed but sometimes Greg finds her. She is desperate to leave him..

Comment or inbox ideas :) Would really help..
Thanks :)
Loveyou all!
~Chamrock Jack 🍀

This book is the worst book I have ever written and I stil don't know why people still read this, I'm sorry it's just really bad.
This is my first book, I've reread it and it's terrible, I promise you, the second and third book is much better! And not so carrotty! My co-writer helped me write some stuff also :oo AND 'TESSA' ISN'T ME

~ Chamrock Jack, again. 🍀🇬🇧

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