"alright! Looks like everyone's back," Naomi clapped her hands to pull the attention of the students lounging on and around the steps. Haren and August were among them," Everyone's worked really hard today. I'm happy to say you have really earned a day off. Which is why I'm letting all of you have your sixth period class tomorrow off. I'm also letting you out early today. Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and have a wonderful day tomorrow!"
Naomi and Heath started stacking up the full baskets as the students filed inside.
"Miss Brightheart, would you like some help carrying those?" Elviya and Sylviana walked over to the purple haired teacher. Haren paused on the steps.
"Oh. yes. That would be great."
"We'll meet you downstairs," Silver waved to the girls and followed August inside.
After pushing their way through the other students, Rala and Nephinae appeared at Haren's side.
"Hi again," Nephinae said, lifting the skirt of her dress as she walked up the steps.
"Hey there. What have you been up to?"
"I was with miss Naomi and Rala."
"That's good. I'm glad you found something to do."
"So, I heard you tell miss Elviya and miss Sylviana earlier that you were going to teach them swordplay," Nephinae began.
"Do you want me to teach you too?" Haren asked.
"Will you?"
"Sure," He chuckled," We'll be doing it tomorrow."
"So, want to take a walk around the school?" Haren suggested.
Practically bouncing with joy, Nephinae followed Haren inside. There weren't many people wandering the halls now, so the two of them had a relatively peaceful walk around.
"So, what do you think of the school so far?" Haren asked when they'd found a spot to sit on the grass.
They were inside the central courtyard and it was empty since there were still about six minutes left of class.
"well, I think it's great. There are a lot of people here," She paused. No-- She hesitated," Do--Do you think I can...learn magic?" She asked," I'm not too sure myself. I mean... I don't really have any sort of special qualities or anything and--"
"Listen to me, Nephi. You don't need to have special abilities or anything like that. If you try hard and want it badly enough, you can learn magic. Luna is proof that you have mana inside you. Maybe it takes a month, or maybe it takes you years. Either way, it doesn't matter how long it takes if you can do it. If you can't see that you're a pretty and capable girl, then you're blind."
"I--" Nephinae was silent for a while.
"I've decided." She declared, standing suddenly.
"On what?"
"I want--no. I'm going to learn magic. I don't care if I have to take extra lessons every day for a year. I'll still do it," She said confidently, a determined look on her face.
Haren sighed and stood up. With a smile, he said," If you're sure that's what you want then--"
"It is."
"then let's go see if the headmistress is busy."
The two of them traveled quickly up to the headmistress's office. Arriving just as she was returning herself.
Our second world- Book two: War is coming
MaceraTwo months have passed since the conversation between Princess Elise and Grace. With the appearance of EleniumFruyes, Haren starts training to control his powers in preparation for the inevitable war fast approaching. After meeting up with an old al...