Chapter 1 'The Move'

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Laney's POV

"Laney! Let's go! We're going to miss our flight!" My dad called from downstairs. I was checking the rooms to make sure we hadn't left anything.

"Coming dad!" I yelled down after closing the last door. My mom, dad, brother and sister were all waiting for me by the door.

"About time," my brother sneered, walking out the door to our car. We all followed him and piled in.

We were on our way to the airport because we had to move to California. My dad got a stupid job transfer again, for like the third time in the past two years. I wasn't looking forward to it, but at least I didn't really leave anyone behind in Ohio.

I didn't get close to anyone since I knew we wouldn't be there long. My brother is always mad when we move. He always finds a stupid slutty girl wherever we go and doesn't want to leave her. It's so annoying. His name is Sammy, and my sisters name is Andrea. Andrea is 15 and Sammy is 19, and I'm 18. I love my sister and brother, but I'm way closer to Sammy. Even though we've drifted off since we've been moving so much, we always manage to get back to where we were.

"Laney," someone was snapping in front of my face. I must've been in a zone. We arrived at the airport, and since we didn't have any of our luggage, it went pretty quick to go through security.

Some worker guys were bringing our stuff and cars to the house tomorrow I guess. I took my seat on the plane by my brother and the window.

"So are you excited to move again?" I asked my brother trying to make conversation.

"I guess, what's the big deal? We've done it 3 other times already in the past two years," he annoyingly said. We used to live in Virginia before Ohio, where we grew up. I left everything behind there. I actually didn't care that I did though, since my best friend moved away from me there.

"I know how you feel, but promise me one thing please. Let's not drift apart again. I miss us. How we used to do stuff together and actually hangout," I sighed remembering all the memories.

"Okay, we can try," he slightly smiled, which made me smile. I haven't seen him actually smile in a long time and it felt nice. He shoved his earbuds in his ears and closed his eyes. I just gazed out the window thinking of what our new house would be like.

"Flight Landing in approximately 5 minutes for LA," I jolted awake when the announcer came over the loud speaker. I groaned and fixed myself in my seat. The plane landed and people were piling off.

"Now, my boss said someone would be here for us," my dad said checking to see if everyone was there.

We saw someone with a sign that said 'Lewis' and, sure enough, it was for us. We all piled into the car waiting for us, as the driver started it.

"Wow it's beautiful here," Andrea gazed out the window with wide eyes.

"Just wait until you see the house," my mother cheered. None of us have seen the house except my mother and father. Dad had to come for a business trip, and mom went too. While they were here, they found it since they knew we'd have to move soon.

We started going down a street that had houses with the beach basically in their backyard. The driver pulled into the driveway of an enormous house. It was gorgeous! It had a great view of the beach. I love the beach. I've grown up around the beach, but when we started moving everywhere, I could never go because we were never on a coast.

I darted out of the car, along with Andrea and Sammy, and headed straight for the door. My dad chuckled and pushed the key into the lock. We all ran every which way exploring all of the bedrooms, bathrooms and other parts of the house.

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