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liked by haydensumm and 230 others...
kenzieangel  asher wouldn't buy me a cookie🍪🍪

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emilyskinner my poor baby🥺🥺
> i luv u💗
haydensumm asher is a meanie 😡 give her a cookie dude
> he is isn't he🤭
anniegrace omg why would he do that!!! i'm gonna fight him for u
> thanks love🥰
asherangel omg i'll buy you a cookie dramatic soul


mission find a love for kenzie

angel boy🧚🏼‍♂️
so guys,,, i have some news

good or bad?

angel boy🧚🏼‍♂️
it could be both

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
just spill

angel boy🧚🏼‍♂️
so, remember the orlando's who
moved away a couple of years ago.
they're back...

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
john is coming back here????
what am i supposed to do he is the reason
you are so overprotective
that jackass left without saying goodbye and
never texted me again and he thinks it's
okay to just come back😡😡😡😡😡

angel boy🧚🏼‍♂️
kz calm down,, maybe he has changed
maybe this is a second chance for you
guys. i don't trust him at all but you two were
great together so maybe just try idk

grace lebold💗
okay babe you not being overprotective
is weird...

i agree w asher guys. give him a chance
if he tries to apologize and explain why he left,
just listen to him,, there is probably a good reason. and u guys were GREAT together

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
ig i could give it a try. i did like him a lot and
there are definitely still some feelings...
do you guys have any other guys in mind?

grace lebold💗
me and ash thought about someone
last night...

angel boy🧚🏼‍♂️
u always say he is cute and he is very
nice, u guys would be a great match

i have someone but keep an open mind
you guys are really close but it's not like
u and austin,, u guys flirt like A LOT and he
treats u right

angel boy🧚🏼‍♂️
actually hayden is like PERFECT how
did we not see that earlier

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
i like the joey ideia,, good one.
and hayden,, like he is cute and i could
see myself dating him but what if
it ruins our friendship

grace lebold💗
kenz i think it's worth a risk. u guys would
be a perfect match and i think that u both know
that u don't want to be just friends...
go for it and we'll see what comes out of it

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
okay then. i'll go for it.
i guess we know the guys, but what do
we do now ?

angel boy🧚🏼‍♂️
i'll talk to joey, and you try to show
hayden u are interested ig...

sounds like a plan...

A/N: hey guys. so i have a general ideia for this book but i don't know who i want kenzie to end up with. so comment who do you guys want her to be with in the end! thanks

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