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private chat: joey

hey joey

oh hey kenzie
how are you?

uhh i'm good ig
what about u?

i'm good too

that's good

hey, you do know everything is fine
between us right, i'm not mad at you or anything so it doesn't have to be this awkward

it's just
i'm really truly so sorry
and i feel so guilty about what
happened and how i hurt you

it's okay kenz, i told you this a bunch of times already,, i know you never wanted to hurt me

i still did...purposely or not
and it's not okay, you walked in just as i was about to cheat on you with my ex
that's the opposite of okay.

you know, when i first found you guys i was so mad, i saw it the same way you are seeing it now.
i couldn't understand why you would do that, i thought things were good between us
it took me a while to figure out that you didn't mean for it to happen, it just did.
you said it was a heat of the moment kind of thing, and it kind of was. but that didn't mean you don't have feelings for him
you didn't think i noticed that you were avoiding him, always leaving for and from school early, dodging him in the hallways, and i realized why that was after seeing that scene
you kept your distance from him because you knew your feelings for him and didn't want to hurt me

yeah i did keep my distance from him because of my feelings. i didn't wanna loose or hurt you and since no one knew about how i felt to help me deal with all this i thought this was  the best way of handling
but it clearly wasn't because i still hurt
you, and that wasn't fair at all

yeah you did, i'm not gonna lie to you
but kenz i found the strength to forgive you, i think you can do that too...
look, i'm very grateful for our relationship, even though it didn't last long and when i think of you, i think of all the laughs, hugs and kisses and not that day.
every one makes mistakes, what matters is what you do about them and the fact that you feel guilty just shows how much you didn't mean it and how you are not a bad person

you know you are too nice sometimes
thanks joey, i think i needed to hear that
i am, again, truly sorry for hurting you and for all this, you didn't deserve this at all
you were the best boyfriend i could ever ask for and and i'll always cherish our memories <3
can we maybe be friends?

i will too <3
and of course we can be friends.
oh and kenz asher told me that you are still avoiding johnny and stuff,, you don't need to do that you know
you guys clearly like each other and you should be together

asher is so gonna hear it
i just think it's too soon

it's not too soon
im not gonna say it won't bother me, because it probably will, but i'll get over it
i want you to be happy and apparently he makes you happy so go for it

thank you for everything <3
and i want you to be so happy too joey, you really deserve it

A/N: hey guys! double post today because i want to start my new story soon!!! hope you liked this! joey is such a softie in this i love him🥺 goal is 6 votes !! make sure to VOTE and comment if you can💗💗

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