real life & text

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Third Person Pov

     THE NEXT WEEK was not a good one. At least not for Johnny. He didn't feel like talking to anyone, so he didn't. Lauren was really worried about him, she didn't want him to shut her out. Mackenzie and Annie were worried too. Even Asher and Hayden who still didn't like him that much after the "moving away" incident were worried about him.
When things happened between him and Mackenzie, he took a different path. He started acting out and being rebellious. Lauren didn't like that phase. But she liked this one even less because she didn't know how to help him. She had tried everything. She tried to have Hayden and Asher talk to him. She thought maybe because they used to be best friends he would be able to talk to them, but it didn't work. She tried Annie, who really good at listening, but still no effect. She even asked Mackenzie to talk to him, thinking maybe she would be able to crack him. But he still didn't open up.
There's only one thing she didn't try...


private chat: weasley girl💃🏻


weasley girl💃🏻
oh hi lolo
what's up?

i need your help.

weasley girl💃🏻
is everything okay ?

not really.
i didn't wanna bother u but john hasn't
talked to anyone since the breakup... i've tried
everything nads but he won't budge
i'm so worried.

weasley girl💃🏻
omg. i'll try and talk to
him and i'll tell u

private chat: jaw knee🧦

weasley girl💃🏻
hey,, how are u??

jaw knee🧦
oh hi nads
ummm fine ig

weasley girl💃🏻
john don't lie to me.
i talked to lauren and she told me

jaw knee🧦
ohh... okay so i'm not doing that
well but it's fine

weasley girl💃🏻
no it's not john. look i'm sad too
i didn't want this either but deep down u know
this is for the best
and you have to stop shutting people out! they
care about u and want to help get through this
lauren is so worried.

jaw knee🧦
she is ?

weasley girl💃🏻
of course she is john. she loves u
look u need to keep living ur life, i know it's hard, but u have to.
you need to be open w your friends and talk about this, it's the only way to get through this

jaw knee🧦
ig ur right.

weasley girl💃🏻
yeah i am.
and also u need to understand that even though this hurts you need to be open for love again,, otherwise you will end up this lonely
unhappy person

jaw knee🧦
but i'm not ready for love again

weasley girl💃🏻
neither am i. at least not right now
but you need to think about your future, u might meet someone who will change that
i want u too be happy john !! u deserve that more than anyone else

jaw knee🧦
i want u too be happy to.
i'll talk to my friends and start working on the love thing

weasley girl💃🏻
good job.
and u never know john, we both know that
you still have feelings for mackenzie and she is right there. and haven't u ever heard that the way to forget someone is to find someone new...

jaw knee🧦
i have.
thanks nads, i needed to hear this things❤️

weasley girl💃🏻
you're welcome.❤️
i'm always here if u need to talk!

jaw knee🧦
same here.

jaw knee🧦 added lolo🦋, angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️, angel boy🧚🏼‍♂️, grace lebold💗 and winterall☃️ to a groupchat

jaw knee🧦
hey guys,, i'm ready to talk.
can u guys come over??

omg john thank god!!
i was so worried

jaw knee🧦
yeah so i heard. i'm sorry lolo
i never thought about how u were feeling

it's okay. you thought about it now
i'm coming downstairs

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
me and ash are leaving right now
w ice cream

i'll be there.

grace lebold💗
can the twins pick me up pleaseeee

angel boy🧚🏼‍♂️
HA i told u calling us the twins was cool

grace lebold💗
it's not babe,, it's just easier

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
yes anns we'll be there in 5.

A/N: hii guys!! i'm going on a trip today so i'm going to be less active !! but i'll try to post! comment your thoughts on the story and tell me if you guys are enjoying it!! also VOTE pls!! thanks guys💙💙

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