real life & insta

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Third Person Pov

     WHILE ALL THOSE crazy revelations were happening, the Orlando's were in their house unaware that things in their friend group were changing. Lauren was in her bedroom working on some homework when Johnny came in.
     "What do you want John?" she asked without taking her eyes from her work "So iI want to ask you a question" "Okay" his sister said finally looking at him. "So don't be mad, because I think you may be mad. But what's up with Mackenzie and Joey and Hayden?". When the boy asked that Lauren knew right away what his intentions were "No!! Johnny no way! You are not going after Mackenzie! She is happy leave her" "But Laur I loved her. And I still do. And we were a great couple." "Yes you loved her John past tense. Now leave her alone" "Oh so you are gonna tell me you don't have any feelings for Hayden like you did back then". The girl sighed, he had to bring that up "I do John. But he likes Mackenzie and he is happy. So I'm happy for him".
     Just them Johnny's phone beeped. He had Kenzie's post notification on and he has just been informed that she posted a photo. He looked at the picture of her and Hayden and the way she called him "best friend" for a while before showing it to Lauren "To me it looks like they are just friends now...". Lauren had to hold back a smile when she saw the post. She has wanted so bad since she got back for them to be just friends. Sure, she wanted her friends to be happy but she also liked Hayden, and it hurt to see them "togetherish".
     "Still. She likes Joey and you are not going to get in the way of them. I won't let you" "You are supposed to be my sister Lauren!! If you don't help me I'll do it alone. We were great together and you know it.". Lauren knew he had a point, but she had lost her best friend once because of him, and she wasn't willing to risk loosing her again "Then you are on your own. She is not the same girl John. I don't know if you guys would be a good couple now. And she is happy with Joey. I won't help you ruin that".
     With that Johnny left the room mad. He really thought Lauren would help him even though she didn't like the idea. He was wrong. He needed help and he didn't know who would agree to do this. But he was going to figure this out. He knew it.


 liked by kenzieangel and 680 others

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liked by kenzieangel and 680 others...

johnnyorlando silly of me to think you would be on my side

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haydensumm yo what happened bro
     > nothing
nadiaturner are you ok? text me if you need
     > yeah and thanks i will
kenzieangel who hurt you ??
     > no one i'm fine
asherangel you are not fine but ok
     > 🙄

A/N: hey guys !! i wrote some chapters today so i'll try to post more ! tell me if you guys are liking the story and VOTE please!

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