real life & text

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Third Person Pov

     WHEN THE DOOR OPENED, Mackenzie found an emotionless Joey. She expected him to be so mad, but he wasn't and that scared her even more.
     The truth is, Joey wasn't dumb. He knew that there had been a thing between Mackenzie and Johnny in the past and he also knew she still had feelings for him. He saw the way she looked at him. The past week, she hadn't been talking to him, but every time she looked at him there was a sparkle that showed all the love she had for the boy. She never looked at him like that.
     So he knew that at some point, her feelings for Johnny were going to be to much for her to handle. And seeing that situation on the earthquake day just proved him right.
     He led them to the living room and sat on the couch, in silence. He wanted to see what his girlfriend had to say about the whole situation. She didn't talk for a couple of minutes. She was scared of ruining things even more, but eventually she said something.
     "Look Jo, I'm sorry" the girl honestly said "I never meant for that to happen. I was just a heat of the moment kind of thing. We were experiencing an earthquake and I guess it just happened. I didn't want it too. I'm truly so sorry" she said. At the beginning, Joey believed her. She didn't mean it to happen. But deep down he knew she wanted it.
     "Kenzie you don't have to lie to me. I know. I know how you feel about him. I see it in your eyes". Kenzie was astonished by what he said. She expected him to scream and be so mad, but that sentence was never one of the scenarios she pictured. "Look Kenz, it's not your fault. I've seen how much you've been trying to avoid him and precisely this situation, but it didn't work. And I don't think it's fair to me, to you or even to him that we continue this relationship" he said seriously.
     Mackenzie knew Joey was a nice guy, but she never expected him too be this nice. "Look Jo, I just want you to know that I'm sorry. I like you so much, I do. But I just can't shake off my feelings for him. And you're right. It's not fair to you that we stay in this relationship" she said before taking a deep breath "I just wanted to say that everything that happened between us was real. And my feelings for you were real, because I don't want you to think they weren't just because of this. And you were the best boyfriend I could ask for and you are going to make someone else so happy. I'm sorry for not being a good girlfriend and for everything. I hope we can still be friends?" the girl rambled and this time, when she ended, she was in the verge of crying.
     The boy knew that she hadn't done any of this on purpose. So he forgave her. "Yes we can. I'm just going to need some time, ok? But if you ever need me, just text me!" he said before hugging the now crying girl. "Thanks Jo. You're such a good person you don't even know. I'm sorry. You deserve better" she said while in his arms. "It's okay Kenzie. I understand. I'm going to take you home okay?" "No it's okay I'll call Hayden or someone else" she said reassuring him "No. I'll take you, it's fine". "Thanks again Joey" she said before smiling at him.
     The now ex couple stood up and headed for the car. Mackenzie hadn't seen this coming, but she was glad that she would never hurt Joey anymore and also glad that they didn't break up in a big fight. But she was sad, because she did truly like him, so she decided to call back up.


girls club

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
guys where are u all?

just got home

grace lebold💗
at my house w ash


angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
can you meet me at the orlando's?
me and joey just broke up...

i'm going out for snacks
and kicking john out of the house

in my car!

grace lebold💗
omw w ash

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
thanks guys
i love you all❤️

private chat: jaw knee🧦

can you please go to hayden's for a bit?
or someone else's house

jaw knee🧦
uh, why?
and why should i

none of your business just please leave the house for a bit
and because otherwise i'll tell mom that you are almost failing math

jaw knee🧦
i'll leave jeez
no need to threaten me
and i'm not going to fail math you'll see you meanie

gracias jackass

A/N: hey guys! first THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 2k VIEWS!!! this is unbelievable really! thank you! also poor joey🥺 i feel so bad but it had to be done! next chapter when this one hits 6 votes! so VOTE and comment if you can! love you guys💙

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