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hey dude, can i ask u something?

angel boy🧚🏼‍♂️

are u okay w me asking ur sister to be my gf?

angel boy🧚🏼‍♂️
as long as u don't hurt her and treat her right yes .
but hurt her and u are dead!

i will i promise

angel boy🧚🏼‍♂️
so how u doing it ?

i gotta plan

Mackenzie's Pov

MY SECOND DATE WITH JOEY had finally come along and I still couldn't forget the whole holding hands with John situation. For some reason that kind of impacted me, but I wasn't let Johnny going to ruin my date. So I pushed those thoughts away.
     Just like last time, I didn't have a clue about what we were doing, all I knew was that i should dress casually and wear comfy shoes.
I paired some jeans and a green shirt and hoped that it would do. By 4 o'clock Joey was knocking on my door. "Hi Jo. So what's the plan" "I have a surprise for you" he said. I could tell he was nervous. "I really hope you like this but, um, I got us tickets to see Ruel perform..." I couldn't believe what I had heard. I had told him once that Ruel was one of my favorite singers and he got me tickets to see him! I was so excited "OH MY GOD! That's perfect Jo! Thank you!" I said while hugging him.
When we pulled apart I just stared into his eyes. They were the sweetest ever. When I noticed we were leaning in and kissing. We were so lost in the moment that we didn't even realize what had happened until Asher opened the door and saw us "Ew guys. Not here, I'm trying to get so Mc Donalds come on!"


girls club

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
guysssss I HAVE NEWS!!

grace lebold💗

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
so today was my date w joey and let's start w the fact that he took me to a Ruel concert uwu🥰

i wanted to go to a ruel concert😡

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
there is more. you guys know how i love the song painkiller ,, i don't know how he managed to do that but right before the song ruel was like "oh and this song is dedicated to mackenzie. mackenzie joey wants to know if you want to be his girlfriend?"

ur kidding

grace lebold💗

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
oh yes he did idk how but he did
and i was like "wait what" and when i looked at him he was like all nervous and said "will uh" and i interrupted him and was like "yes, yes i'll be your girlfriend" and the we kissed again

this is the cutest shit ever
did he say how he pulled it off?

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
he said his dad knew someone close to ruel and called in a favor

grace lebold💗
wait kissed AGAIN? what do u mean again

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
oh... u guys don't know hehe
we might have missed in my porch and we might have got caught by asher...

HAHAHAAHHAHA can u imagine ashers reaction

wait so u guys are dating now ??

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
after that we went to dinner and talked and god he is the cutest <3

awww that's so cute
im so happy for u

grace lebold💗
im so happy our plan worked!!!
i hope you guys are so happy together

yeahhhhh!! you deserve it so much and i'm so happy for you🖤🖤

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
i love you guys so so so so much💙💙

Little did they know...


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liked by asherangel and 679 others...

kenzieangel he is the cutest boyfriend and took me to see ruel uwu🥰💙

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asherangel as long as u are happy sis❤️
> i love you ash❤️
johnnyorlando congrats.
> thanks...
anniegrace MY CUTIES
joeybirlem u deserve this and so much more💙
> uwu💙
emilyskinner AHHHHH why am i the only single one
> we'll find u a bae i promise🥺
laurenorlando FINALLY CUTIES😍😍
haydensumm hurt her and u got a problem w us asherangel 🧐😡
> asherangel yeah be careful
> joeybirlem noted.

A/N: hey guys! still can't believe i got 1k views. so i know u guys want jenzie at the end but wait it's coming i promise !!! comment and VOTE please! love you🥰

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