real life & text

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Third Person Pov

     A COUPLE OF WEEKS HAD PASSED. It was a sunday, the day reserved for Kenzie and Asher time. They were chilling in their living room watching Big Hero 6, their all time favorite to watch together, when the door opened. They looked and saw their mom entering.
     "Hi kids" she said. Both of them looked at her but didn't even bother to answer. You see, their mom wasn't very present. She was never at home and she didn't care about them that much. Their dad on the other hand died when their were young. That is what made them so close. They were each other's family and took care of each other. Asher would go to any lengths to protect Kenzie and so would she, although she wasn't very verbal about that. She was the sensitive one, and therefore he was the protective one.
     Ten minutes later they heard loud noises coming from the stairs. Kenzie paused the movie to see their mom with a bunch of suitcases. When she reached the bottom she said "So kids, our financial state is not the best right now and I can't afford this house. So I'm going to go live with my boyfriend and you guys fend for yourselves like always! I'll send some money every month! Sorry!" She said as she took off with all her luggage.
     The twins were left dismayed by what had just happened. Sure they knew their mom wasn't the best ever, but they never thought she would go that low. After a while in silence Kenzie said something "Ash what are we going to do?" "We are practically orphans now" the girl said while balling her eyes out. "I'll figure it out Kz! I promise. We have each other and that is the most important thing" he said while hugging her.


angel boy🧚🏼‍♂️ added grace lebold💗, winterall☃️, jaw knee🧦, lolo🦋 and skinniest🌻 to HELP

angel boy🧚🏼‍♂️

grace lebold💗
what is it babe??? are u and kz ok??

angel boy🧚🏼‍♂️
uh not really ig
our mom just showed up and said that
we weren't well financially and she couldn't keep the house and she left to live w her bf.
kenzie is balling her eyes out and we have nowhere to live

one of u can stay w me! we have an extra room

grace lebold💗
same here babe

yep, i can have kenzie and we can share my room

angel boy🧚🏼‍♂️
i appreciate it guys but there has to be another way! me and kenz have to stay together
we only have each other now more then ever and i am not gonna leave her

u can stay w us! i'll share my room w kenzie and u can have the extra one

angel boy🧚🏼‍♂️
are you sure laur? you don't have to if u don't want to
and are your parents ok with it??

yes i'm sure.
i love u guys and if it helps i'm always willing
and i don't mind sharing

jaw knee🧦
i talked to my parents they said they are obviously fine w it, they said there is no way u guys are staying homeless

angel boy🧚🏼‍♂️
thank you so much guys!! it means a lot u guys are the best! all of you❤️❤️
you guys are our real family and we love you
kenzie says she loves you so much her heart hurts and now she is crying more

we all love you💙💙

ash i'm on my way to your house to help w
mack okay?

grace lebold💗
yeah,, i'm coming over too to take care of u ash!

im going to get food and then head to the orlando's!! i know u guys won't ask but u need us right now

should we call joey??

jaw knee🧦

he is her bf jackass!

angel girl🧚🏼‍♂️
thanks guys you are the best ever❤️
and hayden, help her pack when u get here cause she can't process anything right now
and no she says she doesn't want him to see her like this, he doesn't know about our mom problems

okayy i will !!
take care of yourself now and i'll watch over her for a bit
i know u are sad too so let me be the protective one now

angel boy🧚🏼‍♂️

grace lebold💗
i'll be w u in a sec babe just be strong
i love you💛

got it!
seen by everyone

A/N: hey guys!!! another chapter for u!! i'm trying my best to write but it's been hard! this book is almost over and i'm excited for my next one !! love you please VOTE and comment💙💙

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