real life

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Third Person Pov

     AFTER THE TALK WITH JOEY, Mackenzie spent the rest of the night thinking about everything that was going on. Was it time to talk to Johnny? Did he actually like her back, or was she just going to get her heart broken? There were a million thoughts going through her head. She looked at the clock in her and Lauren's nightstand. 11:04. That's what it read. She decided it was time.
     She lightly got out of bed, trying to let the very tired Lauren sleep. She slowly closed their bedroom door so it wouldn't make the creepy sounds it usually makes before heading down the hall. To Johnny's room. Shit. Am I really doing this? she asked herself. Her body answered by continuing the walk.
      She stood in front of the door a couple of seconds before she had the courage to knock. She heard movement inside de bedroom before the boy she was so fond of opened the door saying "What is it Lauren?". When he looked up and saw that Mackenzie was standing at the door he chocked on air. He didn't expected her to be knocking on his door, even more that late at night.
       "Uh... hi John. Can we, uh, talk?" asked a nervous Kenzie. She was looking down and fiddling with her fingers. Johnny knew she did that when she was nervous so he tried to be as reassuring as he could "Sure. Come in".
      Mackenzie hadn't been at Johnny's room since he moved back. It was clean. A lot cleaner than she expected. There were no pictures in his room, which she found odd. His guitar was set on his bed. She put it in the floor before sitting down where the instrument previously was. A few seconds later she felt Johnny's presence beside her. Just him being there made her heart skip a beat.
      "Sorry I've been ignoring you. I just had a lot to figure out, I guess. But I think I'm ready to talk now" she said, not taking her eyes of her hands. "It's okay, I get it Kenzie" the boy said. They sat in silence for a while before the girl looked up at him. It had been a while since she noticed his green eyes. She always loved that about him. She could stare at them for days. And when she looked at them, all her nervousness faded away. It was Johnny she was taking to and he always made her feel safe. She knew he would do that even if he didn't like her back. "You know, I did mean it. What I said that day" she said taking Johnny by surprise. He didn't expect her to be so up front.
     "Wait. So you are saying that you, uh, still have feelings for me?" Johnny said while staring at the girl he loved "Yeah I do. I always have. It just you hurt me a lot when you left, so I tried to suppress them". The boy was astonished by her confession. He didn't notice how long he was quiet for and how nervous that was making the girl. "Look, John it's okay if you don't like me back, I just..." before she could continue, he interrupted her with his lips. He had waited for that day for quite a while now.
      They both had fireworks while kissing. Kenzie tried to pull him closer with her hand on his neck, gently running her fingers through his hair, while the boy put his hand on her waist. Kenzie smiled trough the kiss. She was so relieved he felt the same way as her. That's what kissing me meant right? she questioned. Right then, John pulled away which made Kenzie confused. He still had his hand on her waist and started caressing it because he knew she liked that and she smiled noticing that he remembered. They were now facing each other and he said "I like you too. I just can't believe this is happening right now". Kenzie giggled at his reaction. "You're so cute" she said.
     "You are too. And you're giggle will kill me one of these days" he said while looking at her with loving eyes. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. And now they could finally be together. He smiled just thinking about that. "What are you thinking about silly boy?" they girl that was now cozied up to him asked. "You" he said looking down at her "You are the most beautiful girl ever. I'm so glad we can be together now" he said before pecking her lips. "Should we go to bed?" the girl asked. "Yeah probably".
     They girl got out of his embrace but couldn't go far before Johnny grabbed her by the wrist "Where are you going?" "To my room, duh!" "Sleep with me please! We can cuddle!" the boy said while giving her the puppy dog eyes. He knew she couldn't resist them. "I can't say no to that face" Kenzie said before pecking his lips. The both laid down on Johnny's bed. Kenzie burried her head on his chest and he put one arm on her waist while the other one was going through her hair. It felt right. For both of them. Kenzie felt safe, like they were the only people on the world. She didn't care that her mom left her anymore, because she had Johnny now.
      "Hey Kenz" "Hum" answered the girl. "I love you. I did two years ago, and I still do now" he said. The girl looked up with a big smile on her face and cupped his face "Aw, I love you too John. Since then and until now" she said while leaning in and kissing him. John cut the kiss short leaving Kenzie confused for the second time that night Why does he keep doing that? she asked herself. "I don't know if it's too soon for this, but I've waited so long to be with you again. Do you, uh, want to be my girlfriend?" he said anxiously. They had just made up, but he didn't want to live another second without Kenzie being his girlfriend. And she felt the same "Of course I do" she said smiling bigger than before.
     That was one of the best days ever for both of them. They talked for a while before they fell asleep. In each other's arms. Just how it was meant to be.

A/N: hey guys!! I love this chapter so much, I'm literally so proud of it!!! tell me how you guys like it !! on another note, i have one more chapter written, but do you guys want a epilogue?? like a couple years later? comment please
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