real life

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Third Person Pov

When they got to the Orlando's house, there was a weird vibe going around. During the ride, there wasn't much talking. Even though Kenzie figured out her feelings for Johnny, she still felt weird around him. Hayden tried making conversation multiple times, but failed every single one. He always picked the most awkward topics and Kenzie had to try so hard not to laugh.
"So... Are we really doing our homework?" Hayden asked, he was very smart but he wasn't the most dedicated student. "Yes Hay. We have too. Mrs Smith just told you today that if you didn't do your homework one more time she would fail you" Kenzie said in a concerned tone. She worried about him. That bothered Lauren and Johnny because they really didn't want their crushes to date. "Okay I guess" the curly headed boy said.

     AFTER A WHILE, when they were done with their homework, they decided to watch a movie. "I'm going to make popcorn, you guys choose the movie. Can you uh help me Johnny?" Kenzie said "Uh sure" responded a confused Johnny. They went into the kitchen and Johnny led the way since it was his house. "So.. You wanted some alone time with me or what?" the boy asked making Mackenzie blush "No silly. I was trying to give those love birds some time alone!" "Love birds?" asked Johnny "Oh, ops! You didn't hear it from me I guess".

     Meanwhile in the living room, Hayden didn't know what to do anymore. He couldn't try to start another conversation just to be ridiculed another time and he couldn't let that silence stay. So he made a desperate call "I like you" the boy blurted out loudly. Kenzie and Johnny heard the confession from the kitchen and became wide eyed "Yes. Finally that dumb boy did it" said his brunette best friend.
     Lauren didn't know what to respond. She liked him too but she was scared. When he noticed her hesitation Hayden continued. "Look, before you moved away I liked you a lot and when you left I was really sad that I didn't tell you that. And I guess those feelings never went away because I still like you as much as I did back then. I understand if you like that William boy but..." "I don't" the blond girl interrupted him "I don't like Will. I like you too. And I have liked you too since back then too" "Will you be my girlfriend then?" the curly headed boy asked "Yes I'll be your girlfriend" the blonde said without looking him in the eyes. The boy got closer to her and lifted her chin with his finger. They stared at each other's eyes for a while before they started leaning in.
     When they kissed they both had butterflies in their stomachs. They had wanted to do that for such a long time. After a while Mackenzie and Johnny thought it was safe to go in. Let's just say it wasn't. "Ew that's my sister dude" said a desperate John while Mackenzie just beamed excitement "I'm so happy for you guys" she said running and hugging her friends. "Thanks Mack. Without you this would never happen" her best friend said.
     "So since you guys were too busy sucking your faces off to choose a movie, we are going to watch The Lion King and no one is allowed to complain" said the still embarrassed brother "Oh no let's watch Annabelle please!!" begged Mackenzie "No horror movies guys!" "Come on John. I'll hold your hand if you get scared" said Kenzie in a mocking tone. "Haha. Fine".

     During the movie, Johnny tried his hardest not be to scared but it wasn't that easy. Mackenzie was seated next to him and sensed his nervousness. So at some point she just held his hand. They both felt fireworks after the touch. Kenzie didn't like them I like Joey! I like Joey! she kept telling herself. Now Johnny looked at the gorgeous brunette on his side and smiled. He knew she cared. Their hands stayed connected until they fell asleep. Kenzie's head on Johnny's shoulder.
     As for the other couple. During the movie they were just cuddling until they fell asleep. They were so happy to finally be together. Even after all these time.

A/N: hey guys!! so finally layden happened !!! hope you guys enjoyed the chapter !! let me know how you are liking the story and VOTE please!!

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