real life & text

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Third Person Pov

AS MACKENZIE WALKED down the hallways wednesday all she could think about was her date with Joey. She didn't know what to wear or what they were doing really, but she was excited.
Hayden gave her a comforting feeling. He was always there for her and he was so caring and so cute. She liked him a lot and she knew it. Now Joey was a different story. He was new and exciting. They didn't know everything about each other and the mystery was fun. He was also a really nice guy, he constantly made her laugh and was very caring. She was stuck between two sides. Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted when she heard someone call her. "Kenz!" she turned around already knowing it was Johnny. He was the only one that called her that. "Hi John. What's up?" "So I know we just became friends again, and I want to get to know you. Want to hang out friday?". Kenzie couldn't believe what she just heard "Friday?" she asked "Yeah friday why?" the boy asked confused.
Kenzie kept walking with Johnny following her "You see I can't friday. I have a date" she said stoping "A date?" he asked confused "Yeah a date" she said smiling while thinking of Joey. Johnny was quite chocked, he wasn't expecting that at all. "Oh okay then..." he turned around and started to head the other way. "Wait John, are you free saturday?" the girl asked hopeful. "Yeah i guess" he said and with that Kenzie walked up to him and with a pen she had close by wrote her number on his hand. "Text me the details. I gotta go. Bye John".
The boy was just left there confused as to why he was so bothered by the fact that she had a date.


girls club

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
guys u will not believe this

what ???

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
i was on my way to class when johnny stopped
me and asked me to hang out on FRIDAY

grace lebold💗
don't u have a date w joey

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
so i told him i had a date and he was
like frozen i swear

oh my dumb dumb of a brother

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
there's more. i don't know what came over me
i was just like let's hang out saturday
so i literally walked up to him and wrote my number on his hand like who am i

u did not omggg

grace lebold💗
that's so not like u
i'm the bold one here

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
OOOOOOO i think he just texted me wtf
why did i do this guys

grace lebold💗
just answer him and see where it goes

private chat maybe: johnny

maybe: johnny
hey it's johnny

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
oh hi

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️ changed maybe: johnny to jaw knee🧦

jaw knee🧦
just texting u so u have my number

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
oh ok
mission accomplished ig

jaw knee🧦

girls club

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
that was the most awkward conversation
i have ever had.

A/N: hey guys. so i have a general ideia for this book but i don't know who i want kenzie to end up with. so comment who do you guys want her to be with in the end! also vote pls!!! thanks <3

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