real life & insta dms

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Third Person Pov

     WHEN LUNCH came around, Mackenzie had already recovered from the music class accident. Or so she liked to think.
     After gathering her things with Hayden by her side, she headed for the school cafeteria where she found her friends. "Hey guys" she said. "How are you doing?" asked Annie concerned for her friend. "I'm fine. I need to get over it, it doesn't matter anyway."
     Lauren, on the other hand, was very nervous about lunch. She knew her brother had hurt Mackenzie badly and she didn't want that to ruin their friendship. "Hey guys, can i sit here?" she said to her former group of friends. Kenzie was the first one to break a smile "Of course Lolo".
     Asher and Hayden didn't like her presence as much. Asher was just worried that she would hurt her sister again, to him Kenzie was too forgiving. Hayden didn't want Johnny to be anywhere near his "friend" and to him Lauren's presence made that possible.
     Kenzie sensed Hayden's nervousness and put her hand on top of his "It's okay Hay" she said while smiling sweetly at him. He liked her. He liked her a lot. But he thought she would never like him back. He was wrong. He didn't know that things for them from now on would be a lot more complicated.

     During lunch Lauren and her old friends caught up and it felt great. The girls where thrilled to have her back. She was always so sweet and never meant to hurt Kenzie. She was the one who told her about the move. She never meant any harm. She even tried reaching out to her childhood best friend, but Mackenzie couldn't handle talking to her because it reminded her too much of Johnny.
But now, they made amends and both are happy to have their best friend back.
     Hayden was just relieved that Johnny didn't show up. And he was happy to see how excited Mackenzie got to reconnect with Lauren.

     "Hey guys. Want to have a movie night at my place tonight just like old times?" Asher asked. "Yes, that's a great idea babe" Annie responded. "Our house at 6. Ok?" Kenzie said. They all nodded and headed to their next class.


     KENZIE WAS just laying in her bed waiting for her friends to come when her phone buzzed. Who is texting me? she thought.



oh hii

sorry if it's weird that i dmed u
i always thought u were cool but ur brother
wouldn't let me near u

it's fine really haha
i always thought u were cool too

soo,, wanna play 20 questions

yea sure u can start

if you could travel anywhere in the world
where would it be

uhh probably any country in south america.
they are so near us but their
culture is so different
this is important,, what's your favorite
movie genre?

probably suspense
but i like romance comedies a lot too
favorite color?

if you could eat dinner with anyone dead
or alive who would it be ?

my grandpa.
he died when i was young so i never
got to know him
favorite person?

sorry about you grandpa
and probably asher
sorry but i have to go now, i'll text
u later ok


Third Person Pov

     KENZIE DROPPED her phone as soon as she hear the doorbell. Joey seemed like a nice guy and she wanted to get to know him. She felt herself smiling after talking to him. This is not a good sign she thought.
     She headed down the stairs to see that Hayden and Annie had arrived. "Oh hey guys"
she said smiling. Right after that the doorbell was heard again and Lauren and Emily came in.
     "Let's get this movie night started" Annie said excited.
     That night the six friends had fun just like old times and Mackenzie couldn't be any happier.

A/N: hey guys. so i have a general ideia for this book but i don't know who i want kenzie to end up with. so comment who do you guys want her to be with in the end! also vote pls!!! thanks <3

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