real life & text

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Third Person Pov

     AFTER EVERYTHING THAT WENT DOWN with Joey, Mackenzie felt guilty. Really guilty. She never meant to hurt him, but she ended up doing just that. She also missed him a lot. Regardless of her feeling for Johnny, she still liked Joey a lot too. So she thought she owed it to him to not have anything with Orlando yet.
      Her friends knew all she thought about this, and they respected that. They understood that she felt guilty, so they helped keep Johnny away. The green eyed boy wasn't found of that at all. He wanted so bad to be with Mackenzie, but it was like no one felt the same way. Even Lauren, that promised to stay out of their way, was now keeping him from her. She needs time John. She'll talk to you when she is ready his sister kept saying.
       He also felt really isolated. He couldn't talk to anyone about the whole liking her situation because they had all clearly taken her side. He needed to vent, he just didn't have anyone to listen. At least not in Los Angeles. He knew taking to this person might be awkward, but she was the only one he could trust enough to say this, so it was a risk he was willing to take.


private chat: weasley girl💃🏻

jaw knee🧦
hey nads

weasley girl💃🏻
john, hiii
how are you?

jaw knee🧦
i'm good
how are you?

weasley girl💃🏻
i'm good too

jaw knee🧦
so any news?

weasley girl💃🏻
i hope this is not awkward for you to hear but i kinda met someone

jaw knee🧦
no not at all
i kinda need your help too
but tell me about him first

weasley girl💃🏻
oh okay
his name is aidan,, he is super nice and funny and i like him a lot and we started dating recently
i was kinda waiting to tell you before posting anything u know, i think i kinda of owed to u

jaw knee🧦
you don't owe me anything's nads, post w him later i wanna see him
and if he hurts u tell him he will have a problem w me 😡

weasley girl💃🏻
hahahah i will thanks john
so what did you need my help with?

jaw knee🧦
so um, i also hope this is not awkward but some time after our break up i realized i still liked mackenzie

weasley girl💃🏻
i kinda suspected that

jaw knee🧦
besides the point
so she started dating this other guy before i could tell her my feelings
and then she had some family problems and both her and her bother moved in w us
and she started avoiding me and stuff

weasley girl💃🏻

jaw knee🧦
and then this one day there was this earthquake and we almost kissed but her bf caught us
and then that same day she wanted to go talk to him and i offered to drive her and she flipped on me and said that i was all my fault and stuff and said that if i hadn't moved back her feelings wouldn't have come back too

weasley girl💃🏻
wait what u guys ALMOST KISSED
AND she still likes you?

jaw knee🧦
idk nads, they broke up after that
and she won't talk to me at all ever since
idk what i'm supposed to do cause i like her and i want to be w her but she keeps ignoring me and all our friends say give her time but they are on her side so please help me

weasley girl💃🏻
i agree w them
give her time, she just broke up w him and probably feels guilty about the almost kiss
she need time to process all this
she will talk to you at some point just let her have her space
when she is ready she'll come to you

jaw knee🧦
you think so??

weasley girl💃🏻
i know so.
look, the truth comes out in stressful moments if she admited her feeling during a fight, it's probably true
give her space, she'll appreciate a lot

jaw knee🧦
okay nads, thank you so much
you were the only one i could trust to talk about this , im sorry if it's awkward...

weasley girl💃🏻
it's okay dummy
i think we are better as friends honestly

jaw knee🧦
*best friends
and i agree
and i miss you fool
come visit some time,, and bring aidan

weasley girl💃🏻
i miss you too
i will hahahah
i'm gonna post my pic so go like it
talk soon?

jaw knee🧦
you just want the like🙄
and of course


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johnnyorlando only fools fall for you
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laurenorlando you look like a clown in those pants
        johnnyorlando i'm still looking where i asked for your opinion
nadiaturner luckily u are a fool already
        johnnyorlando shut up and go book a flight cause i miss you fool
haydensumm uhhh johnny is in love
        johnnyorlando you're literally dating my sister dude
        laurenorlando u will never drop that will u?
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laurenorlando you look like a clown in those pants        johnnyorlando i'm still looking where i asked for your opinionnadiaturner luckily u are a fool already        johnnyorlando shut up and go book a flight cause i miss you foolhaydensumm uhhh...

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nadiaturner he makes me happy☺️
tagged aidanmerwarth
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johnnyorlando approved✅
        nadiaturner u are very silly
        johnnyorlando hurt her and u are dead aidanmerwarth
        aidanmerwarth i won't
aidanmerwarth you make me happy💗
        nadiaturner uwu💗
laurenorlando wait WHAT?
         nadiaturner oops text me
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A/N: hey guys!! THANK YOU FOR #1 in #mackenzieziegler! it means the world💗💗💗!!goal of 7 votes for this chapter !! so VOTE and comment if you can! love you🥺💗

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