real life

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Third Person Pov

     A WEEK HAD PASSED AND IT AND A NORMAL DAY AT LA HIGH. Things at the Orlando's house were going okay. Kenzie was trying to avoid Johnny at all cost, and she was doing well at that. They had barely talked or even seen each other that week. She always left with Joey, Asher and Annie or Hayden before he went downstairs and dodged him when it was time to leave the school. The boy couldn't understand why she was avoiding him and tried to talk to her, but she always escaped.
As for the rest, Lauren and Kenzie were closer then usual due to living together and Asher and Kenzie, although still sad about what happened with their mom, stuck with each other and continued their lives.
At that particular day Kenzie and Hayden were heading to their next class. "Hay I need to go to the bathroom. Meet you there?". The boy nodded and they parted directions.
     Kenzie got into the restroom and took a deep breath. She was overwhelmed and didn't even want to be at school like ever other day since that sunday afternoon, but Lauren made her come It'll make you feel more normal she always said. She was starting to understand what Lauren meant. She was just staring at herself in the mirror when suddenly everything started shaking. "What the fuck?" the girl murmured.
      "Take cover guys! This is not a drill! There is an earthquake happening! You know what to do" she heard someone say in the school speaker. The thing is, she didn't know what to do, she never payed attention to those lectures. Shit! What do I do now? I should've payed attention! She went out into the hallway and started looking for someone to help her or somewhere to hide. "Kenz!" she heard from behind her. Really? Right now? I've been able to avoid him so far and right now I'm going to have to face him she turned around and saw Johnny, as expected. "Come here, we have to take cover" he said.
       Not seeing any better options Kenzie decided to, not happily, follow him. They got into an empty classroom nearby and took cover under a desk.
     After some time, it had been quite a while that the earthquake started and Kenzie was getting frightened by the minute "Johnny, are they supposed to last this long ?" the girl asked scared. "Shh. It'll be fine Kenz. We'll be fine" he reassured her.
The green eyed boy opened his arms to embrace the scared girl. She really didn't want to do it Kenzie don't! You've been doing well don't ruin it now! Think about Joey she kept telling herself. But the puppy eyes he was giving, she couldn't resist the puppy eyes and he knew that. He looked too cute, and that was her weakness.
     She went in and hugged him and they stayed like that for a while until the earthquake stopped. When it did, they pulled off the hug and awkwardly stared at each other. Johnny felt pulled towards the girl. It was weird and subconscious. Like a magnet, it was mechanical. The girl felt the same way. When they noticed they were both leaning in. Their lips where almost touching until someone brutally interrupted them.
     "MACKENZIE? Oh my God Kenzie I was so..." said a masculine voice. But the scene in front of him stopped him from even continuing his phrase. Kenzie and Johnny, lips almost touching, eyes full of desire and love. That wasn't what the loving boyfriend was expecting when he found Kenzie.

A/N: hey guys! hope you guys enjoyed this weird chapter. i was inspired by all the earthquakes in LA recently. next chapter as soon as this one reaches 5 votes !! comment your thoughts too! love you❤️

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