text & real life

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jaw knee🧦
hi so are we meeting up

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
oh i thought u had forgotten

jaw knee🧦
of course i didn't.

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
i thought u did. u never texted me to
make any plans...

jaw knee🧦
oh sorry
what do u want to do ?

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
i don't know.
maybe we could go hiking. OMG
let's go hiking pls

jaw knee🧦
yeah okay i'm fine w that
want me to pick u up?

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
yeah sure.
my address is *********

jaw knee🧦

Mackenzie's Pov

I WAS KINDA nervous about hanging with Johnny to be honest. We haven't talked in two years and the last time we did we were dating. Now he has a girlfriend and I have Hayden and Joey I guess.
He arrived at my house and we headed to the mountain we were hiking. The ride began in complete silence. He even turned up the radio and knowing him that was a sign for me not to talk. I desperately wanted to run from that awkward situation.

girls club

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
guys save me. this is too awkward
he even turned up the radio lolo
u know what that means

grace lebold💗
kz just chill act like he is austin
or something! he is just a friend so don't stress

okay now that was just rude he knows u
know what turning up the radio means !!!
just act like u guys never dated and talk to him

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
i'll try

Third Person Pov
Mackenzie couldn't handle the awkwardness so she turned down the radio and said "Look if we are gonna do this we are going to have to talk so let's start now". Johnny just glanced at her. He knew she was right so he decided to make an effort "How was your date?". Kenzie was taken aback by the question and started blushing "It was great actually. Joey is a really cool guy" and with that it became silent again "So, I heard you have a girlfriend! What's she like?". Now it was the boys time to be taken aback, he didn't know that she knew Ughh Lauren is dead I swear he thought "Oh yeah I do! Her name is Nadia. She is really sweet, caring and beautiful inside and out. I really miss her but we talk like everyday"
Hearing that hurt Kenzie a little bit but she pushed the feeling back.
After that they talked a bit during the car ride and the hike. It wasn't like old times but the awkwardness was gone. They enjoyed themselves and realized that they indeed missed each other. But they couldn't quite figure out if it was just their friendship that they missed.

A/N: hey guys !! hope you guys are enjoying the book ! sorry for this really short chapters the next ones are longer !!
vote and give me feedback on it if you can! thanks💙

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