real life & insta

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Third Person Pov

     FINALLY FRIDAY came around. Mackenzie was bubbling with excitement. Her friends were thrilled to see her so happy. The girls had already planned to go to the Angel's house after school to help her get ready. Joey was also very excited. He wanted to give this thing with Mackenzie a chance. To him she was such an interesting girl and he wanted to get to know her better.
     There were only two people who weren't so happy about that date. Johnny was the first one. Ever since his talk with Mackenzie he couldn't stop thinking about her date. Who's she going out with? Why does it bother me so much? I have a freaking girlfriend was all he could think about that whole week.
     Hayden wasn't too happy about it either. He figured out Mackenzie had a date on thursday and he felt really hurt about it. He thought they were going somewhere outside of the friendship zone. Maybe they were, he didn't know anymore. He knew Mackenzie wanted to find love and he hoped that she would see that she had it right in front of her. But he still had hope. Hope that there was still a chance for them.


     Mackenzie and her friends arrived at the Angel's house and went straight to her room. "Guys!! I don't know what to wear help" Kenzie pleaded. "Kenzie chill, Joey will like anything you wear" Annie said "I'll look through your closet and find something" Emily said and was followed by Lauren who said "I'll help!".
     Lauren picked up a green plaid skirt and Emily found a white shirt. "Perfect" they said at the same time.

     At 6 o'clock sharpe Joey rang the doorbell to pick his date up. Both sides of the door were so excited. "Hi Joey" Kenzie said shyly. "Wanna go?" he asked, Mackenzie looked at her friends hiding behind the door and as they nodded she said "Let's".


     When Mackenzie came home she was glowing. The date had been fantastic. They clicked so well and had so much fun.
     First they went roller skating and then they went to dinner. Joey knew Kenzie wasn't one to go to fancy restaurants so he took her to her favorite The Cheesecake Factory. She thought it was thoughtful that he remembered that. Then they got ice cream and walked in the streets talking. It was the best.
     Her friends bombarded her with questions and they talked about it for a long time. At some point her phone buzzed and her heart melted.

i had a lot of fun today❤️
let's do it again sometime

angel girl 🧚🏼‍♀️
i had a lot of fun too💓
and we definitely should

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️ changed birlemboy🐥 to joey💙
joey💙 changed angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️ to

     She decided to post something to remember that day.


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kenzieangel  i guess joey is a good photographer🦋💙
tagged joeybirlem

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joeybirlem you are gorgeous my god
     > uwu💙
anniegrace how can you be so pretty
     > do u have a mirror??💓
emilyskinner wow just wow
     > i 💓 u
laurenorlando omg u look so grown up my baby
    > no you are my baby🥺
haydensumm wow don't u look pretty
    >thanks hay💜

     When Hayden saw how happy she was in the picture, it hurt. He knew they would get along well but still. He liked her so much he didn't want to loose her, so he decided he was gonna fight for her and if even so she choose Joey than at least he had tried.

A/N: heyyy guysss!!! i hope you are liking the stories so far! so give me feedback on who you want Kenzie to end up with please. I don't know and I need ur help! Also vote please! thanks guys!!

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