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Johnny's Pov

private chat: weasley girl💃🏻

weasley girl💃🏻

jaw knee🧦
hi love <3

weasley girl💃🏻
we need to talk.

jaw knee🧦
oh, what's up??

weasley girl💃🏻
look i love u and u know that.
but this long distance thing isn't working out,,
it hurts too much john

jaw knee🧦
and i love you too
what do you mean i thought things
where going good

weasley girl💃🏻
look i hate to do this but i think this just
isn't the right time for us
i wanna break up.

jaw knee🧦
wait are you being serious ?

weasley girl💃🏻
yes john i am. look maybe in the future
things can workout between us but right
now w the whole long distance thing....
i don't think i can do this anymore

jaw knee🧦
i never meant to hurt you i'm sorry
and i understand ig ,, it's pretty hard

weasley girl💃🏻
john this is not your fault don't be sorry
it's just sometimes loving someone is not enough and right now destiny is not on our side

jaw knee🧦

weasley girl💃🏻
bubs know that i love you more than u
know and this was the hardest decision ever
but i just couldn't handle being so in love and
not being able to see or touch u

jaw knee🧦
i understand
and i love u too much too
can we still be friends?

weasley girl💃🏻
i wouldn't want anything else
i'll give u space now but i'll check up
on u soo ok

jaw knee
ok nads.

private chat: lolo🦋

jaw knee🧦
are u home ??

no why

jaw knee🧦
can u come home pls.

yeah sure
what's going on??

jaw knee🧦
nadia broke up w me.

i'm on my way wait there

Third Person Pov

    WHEN SHE GOT that text Lauren was at the Angel's house at another one of their movie nights. She couldn't believe what she read. She thought things with Nadia and her brother were going so well and she knew how much he loved her. He must be devastated I need to go home she thought. "Guys I need to go!" Lauren told her friends while getting up and gathering her things. "Why? You just got here!" Mackenzie sadly said "Nadia just broke up with Johnny. He needs me right now". When those words came out of Lauren's mouth Kenzie immediately looked at her brother who looked at her with a look that said Oh no things are about to get complicated . "Go Lolo." Mackenzie said. "Update us after !" Emily said gaining a look of disapproval from Annie and Kenzie.

     When she got home, Lauren found her brother in his room with his guitar on his lap. She knew he liked to play when he was sad. He did for months after they left this town and Mackenzie more specifically.
     "Hey." she said. Johnny looked up at his sister and immediately broke down. "I thought things were fine. I don't get it!".
     Lauren stayed there with her brother the whole night. In the morning when she left for school she decided to him there He can't go to school like this she thought.
     She felt bad for him. She knew he was trying hard to maintain a healthy relationship. And she knew it was gonna be hard for him to get over it.

     Meanwhile, Johnny felt terrible. Deep down he knew this was destined to happen at some point he just expected their relationship to last a little longer. He was glad Lauren didn't wake him up for school because he couldn't handle that right now. His phone buzzed and in hope that it was Nadia changing her decision or even checking on him he looked at it right away. But he was quite chocked to read the notification.


angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
hey,, lolo told us what happened...
how are u?

     Mackenzie felt really bad for Johnny. She wanted to check on him and she knew her friends weren't in favor of that. So she didn't tell them.

jaw knee🧦
not good.

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
i'm sorry to hear.
if u need to talk i'm here

     Johnny thought about Mackenzie's proposal. He did want to talk about it. But with Mackenzie? He couldn't do that. Not to him or to her. She had good intentions but things with them were way to complicated for her to just listen to him talk about his now ex who he is so in love with.

jaw knee🧦
its okay.
thanks tho

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
oh okay...
feel better

     Mackenzie didn't want to but she was glad that Johnny didn't want to talk to her about it. Sure she was worried about him, but she couldn't even think about how it would feel to hear him talk about this other girl he was so in love with. She wanted it to not have and effect on her, but it did. And that was going to make things a lot harder for her.

A/N: hey guys !!! i hope you are enjoying the story ! i already have and idea for a new book so let me know if you guys want me to finish this one first or start posting that one already! give me feedback and vote if you can!! thankss💓 and thank you for 11 votes🥰

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