real life

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Third Person Pov

THE NEXT DAY Lauren noticed that things had changed in their group. When she got to school she was greeted by Kenzie and Hayden who were just talking. No flirting, just talking. When she got to them she noticed they stopped talking and changed the subject quickly. She didn't know what that was all about.
Throughout the day she also noticed that they were closer then usual. Not romantically closer, just closer friends. At lunch she also noticed that Joey didn't sit with them. But he kept glancing at Mackenzie all smily and the girl did the same.
"Hey guys, wanna come over and do homework together? We can watch some movies after??" Lauren said. She thought that it was a great way to find out what was going on. Right as she said that Kenzie and Hayden abruptly looked at each other before the girl said "Hayden and I are in". Annie and Asher awkwardly looked at each other "We kinda of had plans..." Annie said. "It's okay guys !". They all turned to Emily "Sorry, detention" she said "Again Em" Kenzie said concerned for her friend.
     The bell rung and they all headed to their classes. "Kenzie are you nuts. I won't be able to act natural around Laur anymore!" Hayden said frustrated that she had agreed to that "Relax Hay, trust me this is good for you guys !". He really did trust her, so he decided to let her make the call.


Lauren was waiting for Hayden and Kenzie and John at the door so they could go to her house. To be honest she was kind of nervous to be in a house with Hayden. Ever since she got back they hadn't talked much so she worried that thing would be awkward between them.
"Hello Lauren" said her brother who was still mad at her because of the whole Kenzie deal. "Oh hi Johnny. We need to wait for Kenzie and Hayden, they're coming over today". Johnny smirked knowing this was an opportunity for him to get close to Kenzie again ."Look John. I know I said I wouldn't help you with the whole Kenzie thing, but that doesn't mean I don't want you to be happy. If you truly think Kenzie makes you happy than I won't help you but I won't be on your way either" the girl rambled. Johnny tried to respond before Lauren interrupted "Wait. Just please don't hurt her because last time we drifted because of you and I don't want to loose her again!" she concluded.
"I won't I promise. And thanks Laur, I want you to be happy too!!" he responded while leaning in for a hug. They were embracing each other when they heard a boy saying "It's a miracle the Orlando siblings aren't killing each other". They turned around and saw Mackenzie and Hayden ready to go "Sorry we took so long. The dumb one here takes a long time to pack his things" Mackenzie said looking at Hayden. "It's fine. Let's go" Lauren said as she headed for their car.

A/N: hey guys! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR #4 in #johnnyorlando and for 50 votes. hope you are enjoying the story !! let me know and VOTE please!!💙💙💙

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