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liked by kenzieangel and 700 others

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liked by kenzieangel and 700 others...

johnnyorlando she is a good sister ig❤️
tagged laurenorlando

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haydensumm dude i want a sister like her
> sorry she is mine😡
kenzieangel u guys look more like twins than me and ash
> asherangel that is so true we don't even look alike !!
liked by johnnyorlando and laurenorlando
laurenorlando i love you too dumbass❤️
liked by johnnyorlando

haydensumm dude i want a sister like her     > sorry she is mine😡kenzieangel u guys look more like twins than me and ash     > asherangel that is so true we don't even look alike !!liked by johnnyorlando and laurenorlandolaurenorlando i love you ...

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liked by joeybirlem and 370 others...

kenzieangel annie got jealous🥺
tagged anniegrace and emilyskinner
(A/N: just imagine maisy is emily and maddie is annie)

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anniegrace i still love u guys💛
     > i love you too honey💛💛
joeybirlem i wish i was in emily's place...
     > asherangel dude that's my sister
     > hahaha💙
emilyskinner i love you wife💓💓
> i love you too🥺💓
haydensumm u look too cute in this
laurenorlando i am a great photographer😊
> and a beautiful one too💚💚
johnnyorlando i want some cheetos🥺
> go buy some then silly

     > asherangel dude that's my sister      > hahaha💙emilyskinner i love you wife💓💓     > i love you too🥺💓haydensumm u look too cute in this     >💜💜laurenorlando i am a great photographer😊      > and a beautiful one too💚💚johnnyorlando i...

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liked by asherangel and 509 others...

anniegrace asher is such a sweet soul omg🥺
tagged asherangel

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kenzieangel omg my parents are too cute💓
> love u child💓
asherangel you deserve it love🖤💛
emilyskinner u guyssss this is too much
     > u say that every time
     > emilyskinner that's because u guys are too cute uwu
laurenorlando i want an asher on my life
     > willmiller i volunteer
     > johnnyorlando not u again😡
     > dm me <3
     > kenzieangel uuu lauren got a man
liked by laurenorlando and willmiller

kenzieangel omg my parents are too cute💓     > love u child💓asherangel you deserve it love🖤💛     >💛🖤emilyskinner u guyssss this is too much     > u say that every time     > emilyskinner that's because u guys are too cute uwulaurenorlando i ...

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liked by willmiller and 400 others...

laurenorlando part 300 of kenzie being a good photographer
tagged emilyskinner

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kenzieangel maybe i should go to photography school? ily guys💚
> OMG u totally should,, ily 2💚
johnnyorlando u look like this emoji 😊
    > i'll take that as a compliment
emilyskinner uwu my baby💓💓
    > uwu💓
willmiller cutie <3
    > thanks <3
    > johnnyorlando 🧐
    > gosh johnny leave us alone
anniegrace angels
    > asherangel she is calling us kenzieangel
     > anniegrace silly ass
     > love u anns💙

A/N: hey guys just got to my destination! im trying to write here but it's harder! i'll try to post! give me feedback on the story and VOTE please! thanks🥰💚

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