text & real life

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angel boy🧚🏼‍♂️
hey dude

hey what's up

angel boy🧚🏼‍♂️
so u know how u always wanted to
make a move on my sister and i never
let you
well i'm fine with it now.

wait, deadass???

angel boy🧚🏼‍♂️
yes deadass.
i'm trying to be less overprotective
and u are a good guy.
i trust u

well thanks ig
i promise i won't hurt her.

angel boy🧚🏼‍♂️
you better not.

Mackenzie's Pov

IT IS our first day back to school. I'm very nervous to be honest. I know this year is gonna be very different from the others and although i'm excited, i'm also scared. But i have to face it.
I was walking down the hallway with my best friends Emily and Austin. They were talking about something but i just couldn't focus. I couldn't stop thinking about how things were gonna chance. That is, until i bumped into someone. "Ouch. I'm sorry!" a voice said. I knew that voice. When i looked up there she was "Lolo. Is that you?". When se saw me her eyes went wide and she jumped to hug me. "Mackenzie i missed you so much omg!!". She seemed so excited to see me "I missed u too Lolo. And i go by Kenzie now". "Oh..." she started but was cut off by the bell. "Look there is a lot we need to catch up on, so meet me at lunch and we can talk" i said. "Okay see you later".
We walked away and i heard Austin say "Well that was awkward".

     My first class was music. My favorite one . I entered the classroom alone since neither of my friends took a liking to music. As soon as i came in all i could see was his green eyes. I couldn't believe it. There stood the boy who left me broken. I just completely froze staring at him. When he looked up and saw me, he immediately looked away, like he didn't want to see me. I just couldn't believe it. I spent months suffering because of him and now he can't even look me in the eye. I went to my seat with my head down and all i wanted to do was cry.
     "Hey how are... wait what happened kenz?" i heard a voice say. I looked up to see Hayden and to be honest it felt kinda nice having him there. I felt safe because i knew he wouldn't break me like John did.
     I pointed my head to where Johnny was seated and i saw Hayden clench his jaw. "Please don't do anything, just stay here with me please". I know he wanted to confront John. But i couldn't handle that right now.
     Hayden looked at me with his eyes full of  affection took my hand and made me stand up. Then he just hugged me, and that made my heart melt. He just cared so much and he knew me so well because that was exactly what i needed. That's when i figured out that i indeed had feelings for him.


mission find a love for kenzie

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️

angel boy🧚🏼‍♂️
WHAT, whats wrong

dude chill
whats up kz

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
so guess who is in my music class

grace lebold💗
its johnny isn't it

angel boy🧚🏼‍♂️
he better have not done anything

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
he didn't
well actually he did
when i entered the classroom and saw him
there i was just staring and when he saw me
he looked away like i was the one who hurt him
it hurt so much guys

my wittle baby🥺

grace lebold💗
i am so gonna fight him when i
see him.

angel boy🧚🏼‍♂️
he is starting to make me regret
telling you to give him a chance

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
it's fine ig. it's not like he was
gonna come back and we were gonna
be like before.
but on another topic, hayden came in right after and saw how sad i was
he was so cute,, he got so mad and it looked like he was gonna fight john
and then he just hugged me uwu

tolda ya #kayden

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
gotta admit that after that my feelings
definitely came out.
i think em was right, maybe i do like him
a little bit...

grace lebold💗
see just ignore jackass orlando and
stick with hayden
i ship

angel boy🧚🏼‍♂️
i kinda do too
oh and i talked to joey he seemed interested
he might hit u up

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
oh...then i'll talk to him ig
i gotta get back to class love u <3

A/N: hey guys. so i have a general ideia for this book but i don't know who i want kenzie to end up with. so comment who do you guys want her to be with in the end! thanks

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