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Third Person Pov

     WHEN BOTH ANNIE AND EMILY arrived at the Angel's house Annie told what her idea was. "So Kenzie, just answer the first thing that comes to your mind. Got it?" Mackenzie didn't understand what was the purpose of that, but she still nodded.
     "Color?" "Red" "Movie?" "To All The Boys I've Loved Before" "Restaurant?" "The Cheesecake Factory" "Family?" "Asher" "Love?" "Johnny" that answer chocked everyone in that room including Mackenzie, but Annie kept going "Boyfriend" "Joey" "Hayden" "Best Friend". For a while everyone was quiet. Mackenzie was not expecting that answer. She thought that she would for sure end up picking Hayden but it turns out that that was not the case. "I need to talk to Hayden. Now" Kenzie said.


private chat: hayhay💜

hi hay, are u busy right now?

nope why

can u come over ?
i need to talk to u about something.

bet there in 10.

When Hayden arrived, he had no clue what Mackenzie wanted to talk about so desperately that he had to come over right away. He rang the doorbell and Asher opened the door "In her room" the green eyed boy said.
He got there and found Kenzie laying on her bed just staring at the ceiling. "Hey Mack. What's up?" "Oh hi Hayden. Sit." she said. He could tell she was serious about whatever this was. "So I need to tell you something, just hear me out." he nodded "So you know how we always had this flirtationship. And recently I thought that maybe, I don't know, I had real feelings for you. You see, you are the nicest guy I've ever met. And you care so much about me. And I care so much about you." Mackenzie rambled "But that's beside the point. So Annie did something today and it made me realize something and I want you to realize the same. Okay, just say the first thing that comes to your mind." The boy was completely lost but nodded.
"Color?" "Purple" "Music?" "Country" "Food?" "Ramen" "Home?" "Texas" Mackenzie hesitated a bit before saying the last ones. She really hoped that he didn't like her that way because she didn't want him to be heartbroken. "Remember, don't overthink it" she said "Mackenzie" "Best Friend" the boy blurted out "Girlfriend" "Lauren". Both of the teens in the room dropped their mouths open "Wow I was not expecting that" Mackenzie said "Neither was I. Though I guess it makes sense. Remember before they moved away I had the biggest crush on her. Maybe I just let myself believe I liked you to forget about her." "Oh my god yes I had totally forgotten about that! It makes sense then. But to be honest I'm just glad we agree on the whole best friends thing" "What do you mean?" the boy asked confused "Oh when Annie did this to me I said best friend after your name!". Now Hayden got all the crazy talk she gave him before "I'm glad too" he smiled "Oh and Hayden. While I was thinking about all this I figured out something. I love you a lot. In a best friend way, but I just thought you should know..." "I love you too Mack. A lot".
     And with that the two best friends hugged. They were both happy with the consequences of that conversation. Hayden thought Mackenzie was the only girl for him. But he was wrong after all. And now that didn't bother him at all because in the end all he wanted was for her to be in his life. Because he loved and appreciated her too much loose and now he knew that wouldn't happen. Mackenzie felt the same way about him. She couldn't imagine herself without him by her side. And she didn't have too.
     "So. What are we going to do about the Lauren deal?" Mackenzie asked excited that her guy best friend was interested in one of her girl best friends "What should I do?" he asked "I think you should tell her. Text her and ask if she can talk tomorrow at lunch or something" "I can't do this in person Mack, I don't have the guts". Mackenzie rolled her eyes "Then text her I guess" "Now?" he asked "Not now. But I don't know if you have noticed but that William kid is also into her, so make your move before he makes his" "I guess I will do it soon. Just give me sometime to absorb everything that came down today...".
     After that Mackenzie and Hayden talked about everything there was to talk about and hung out for the rest of the night . They already knew each other pretty well but after what they just realized they wanted to know more. They watched movies until they fell a sleep. But not before Mackenzie did two things.


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kenzieangel he is the literal best friend ever and i love him too much💜
tagged haydensumm

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haydensumm i love you so so much mack💜
liked by kenzieangel and anniegrace


private chat: joey💙

hi jo i just wanted to say that i like you too
and i mean it <3

A/N: hey guys! so finally the joey hayden dilema ended... but johnny is still around😏
i haven't written a lot on this trip and i'm sorry!
give me feedback if you are liking the story and VOTE plss!! oh and also thanks for 500 views😍💙

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