real life & text

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Third Person Pov

     A WEEK HAS PASSED since the beginning of the school year. The group is closer than ever and Lauren fit in with them like a glove. Kenzie and Joey talked almost everyday and got really close. He started to hang out more with the group and Kenzie in particular.
     Hayden didn't like that a lot. But things with him and Kenzie where different too. He noticed that she started to flirt a lot more than she used to. She also looked at him a different way that he couldn't figure out. He didn't know it was a "i like you" kinda of look. They also hung out quite a bit.
     Now Johnny kept avoiding Kenzie. If they ran into each other in the hallway, he'd turn around and leave. Kenzie didn't understand why he kept doing that and was fed up with it. She wanted to confront him. And she was going too.


girls club

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
guys that's it i'm done.
i'm confronting johnny today

is it really worth it kz?

yeah idk my brother is a jerk.
he doesn't deserve u

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
i know he doesn't.
but it isn't fair that he gets to play
the victim here. he is gonna talk to me
it hurts when he runs guys

grace lebold💗
i for one think you should do it
he doesn't get to be a jerk and get away with it

ig u should do it then
just don't get hurt

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
oh i won't
i dont know about him tho...

Mackenzie's Pov

MACKENZIE WAITED in an empty classroom. She knew Johnny was gonna pass there to go to class and she was gonna grab him before he could leave.
She saw him approaching and pulled him in. "What the actual fuck" he said. "We need to talk and you are not gonna run away" Mackenzie said. Her blood was boiling with anger. "Look Mackenzie..." "Don't Johnny. There is no way of avoiding this. I'm sick of you running away from me. Don't you get that it hurts" her eyes started filling with tears, but she didn't let him see, she needed to seem strong. "Why did you leave without saying goodbye? Why didn't you text me back? Why are you running from me like you are the victim here?" she said angrily. "Mackenzie look..." "No John, don't 'Mackenzie' me. Tell me why you did it !" at this point she was in the verge of tears, and Johnny saw that. He couldn't handle the fact that he caused that.
"Kenz I'm sorry, I'm truly fucking sorry" he hesitated for a bit "Look what we had was the best thing ever. I loved you. I didn't tell you that but I did love you" now the boy felt tears forming in his eyes "When I found out we were moving it killed me because I didn't wanna leave you. You were my everything. And I couldn't say goodbye to you. It was too hard I just couldn't. You were gonna be hurt either way I just thought it would be easier for the both of us if we didn't try long distance. It wouldn't have worked and you know it. So I decided to be a jerk and hurt you because that way you wouldn't have to deal with the pain of us being apart. I'm sorry it wasn't the best choice but it was all I could think of". The room became silent for a bit until Johnny spoke again "When I heard we were coming back all I thought about was you. And the best way for you not to get hurt was for us not to interact so..." at this point the boy was crying " I ignored you and ran from you. I'm sorry"
I couldn't believe that. He did all that because he thought he was protecting me. And he loved me. I loved him too. After a while I just couldn't take or anymore. I hugged him. He was surprised at first but he hugged back. I missed being in his arms. "I forgive you Johnny" I said as we pulled apart "I understand that you did what you thought was best for me, but it wasn't. I cried for months after you left because I loved you too. Too much. Asher was so mad he never let another boy near me other than Hayden. I was so hurt. And then when you came back I thought maybe we could try again. But you just hurt me one more time. I understand what you were trying to do but trust me, it didn't work". He was just staring at me trying to absorb all of that. "Can we be friends?" he said. "Friends. Sure" I told him as I gave him one more hug.


girls club

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
i did it.

grace lebold💗
omg how did it go ???

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
we talked. he told me he did it because
he thought that i would get less hurt. if i thought he was a jackass i wouldn't go after him and such.
it clearly backfired but he was trying to protect
me if so i forgave him and we agreed to be friends

that's good kz! i'm happy for u
and maybe in the future u could be more than friends...

grace lebold💗
yeah that's great news! he was you childhood
bff before he was your bf

guys...there is something u
should know

angel girl🧚🏼‍♀️
what is it lolo?

johnny has a girlfriend.

A/N: hey guys. so i have a general ideia for this book but i don't know who i want kenzie to end up with. so comment who do you guys want her to be with in the end! also vote pls!!! thanks <3

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