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Hey so welcome to my first story. It's called "Problem Solving". I love writing and I'm not bad at it, I stan marina and lana and think they're cute together.

My account used to be so cringe and weird bc I used to stan youtubers and write about them. Let's promptly forget back then.

Hopefully you'll enjoy what I write, it'll be larina stuff. Maybe sometimes kinda smutty and girl x girl, but all in good time of course.

To me, there are only a few flawless larina fanfics on here and NO SHADE TO OTHER LARINA WRITERS, but most lack length or story.. or consent. That's a biggie.

So keep reading to watch me try and most likely fail at writing good. I'm gonna make it long, nothing tragic is gonna happen, it's gonna be a comfort read. What I mean by that is what I'd like to sit down and read, just something easy and comfortable.. No ones gonna die, or develop any terrible illnesses, like I've read in some larina fics. (FYI, the death and illnesses in other stories wouldn't be so bad if they were foreshadowed and so much less untimely)

This has been long enough so let's jump in

(Ps: it may take a while for me to update and start writing but PLEASE bare with me because I have a long summer break with nothing else to do, so I will keep writing.)

Problem SolvingWhere stories live. Discover now