Sandara Park

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Bom, Minzy, and I were enjoying a small café break in the west wing of the school.

"Will Chaerin be able to come down?" Minzy asked setting her drink down on the table.

I shrugged my shoulders "we know how she is when it comes to her essays," I replied.

Minzy let out a sigh, "what's the matter?" Bom asked her while rubbing her back.

Minzy chuckled a bit before replying " now a days it just seems one of us or none of us have time for each other like we use to."

She isn't wrong about that, I was thinking that myself. Bom and I are almost finished with our senior year of college while

Chaerin and Minzy are almost done with their junior year. Time has a funny way of getting in the way of what really matters.

Bom perked up a bit "maybe we all can do something Saturday?"

Minzy brightened up a little bit and they both turned their heads towards me.

"Uh...." they both gave me upset looks "what now?" Minzy cries.

  "I have a personal chef test on Saturday, I'm sorry," I said looking down.

I heard Bom let out a sigh " I suggested Saturday for you specifically, Dara, how come they decided Saturday would be a great day to give you your test?"

I kind of lost my patience with her snappy question "during the week we are busy with cooking classes and whatever else we have to do, yes Saturday's are the classes only down time, that's why they chose to do it on this one Saturday."

Minzy waved her hands in front of us to calm us down "it's alright, the test is far more important than a girls day. We can always try next Saturday."

I gave her a slight head nod, but I could tell Bom wasn't very happy.

I don't know if it was due to my tone or the fact that we simply just don't have the time on our hands like we use to.

I entered my dorm room and set my bag in my closet.

My phone started chiming as soon as I sat down, I took it out to see our group chat.

CL: I'm sorry for missing the Café break girls :(

Dara: it's ok, you didn't miss much.

CL: What? Is everything ok?

Minzy: Yes, things are fine! We will try again some other time.

The group chat fell silent for a while. I smiled at Minzy's reply.

Minzy is always holding us together no matter what. I try to text something, but as soon as I was about to hit send...

Bom: things are not fine, Minzy, don't lie.

Minzy: I am not lying. We talked it out. Things should be fine now.

CL: I finished my essay, do we need to meet up to figure this situation out?

Dara: It's 8:30 CL.

CL: yeah.. and?

Bom: Dara you never seem to have time. That's the problem here.

Dara: Fine. Let's meet at the four corners in 15 minutes. Satisfied Bom?

I clicked my phone off and threw it towards my bed. Does she really think I'm the only one that doesn't make time for us?

I don't know why but I just have a feeling that we are losing a little bit of touch with each other and eventually will lose each other entirely.

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