We Meet Again

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I arrived at the park a hour early, considering I was the one that initiated this meeting I figured I should be the first one here. As I waited I decided to take a stroll, I haven't been here for years and so much has changed.

The playground isn't a playground anymore, instead it's just one big garden. It seems as if they expanded the park and moved the playground elsewhere.

I kept on walking hoping that our tree was still there. The tree where we met and made so many memories. I approached the end of the trail and was relieved to find the tree still standing. The leaves looking fresh and beautiful.

I stared at the tree until I realized I started to tear up a bit. "Ah Dara, you can do this," I told myself while dabbing my tears away.

I rested my hand on the tree trunk and smirked a bit. "Glad to see you too," I said looking up at the tree.

"Is this why you called me here?" I heard a voice from behind ask me. I turn around to see CL standing there with her hand in her pockets.

"To tell me you have gone crazy and can talk to plants?" She chuckled.

I stood there frozen not sure what to say or do. I managed to give a smile and look down "maybe," I replied laughing.

She walked up to me and held her arms out towards me "Well, do I get a hug?" We both let out a laugh as I went into her embrace.

I can't count how long we stood there in each other's arms. We released each other after a while, both wiping away our tears. As we waited for the others to show we decided to catch up.

"What have you been up to?" I asked as we walked down the path.

"Ah, just the usual modeling here and there," she said while her cheeks grew red. I laughed at her "that's usual to you?"

She shrugged her shoulders "well, doing it for a day to day job, yeah it is usual for me."

"What about you, how's the married life?" I gave her a head nod "it's great, you would love Chi-Won."

"I see you guys have two beautiful children," she began "how are they?"

"Perfect, I really can't explain them other than that."

"I'm so happy for you Dara," she said in a quiet voice. Which confused me "CL, is there something wrong?"

She shook her head "no, I just sometimes wish," she paused for a moment. "I just wish I could have a family of my own, you know how much I love kids."

I chuckled "yes, and someday it will come true."

We continued our chat while walking back to the tree. As we got closer we saw a figure standing there and looking lost. As we got closer we realized who it was.

"Bom, is that you?" CL said with a cracking voice.

"Yes, hello girls," she said sheepishly. CL extended her arms once again, indicating for another hug. Bom didn't hesitate and came into our embrace and began to cry.

CL looked at me "I didn't know Bom was going to be here."

I put my hands in the air and exclaimed quietly "surprise!" CL and Bom chuckled, "I invited Minzy as well, I wanted to tell all of you in person."

CL gave me a smile "I'm glad to be able to see all of you."

"Bommie, don't cry," I said rubbing her back." She stepped back "sorry, I just never imagined this day would ever happen."

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