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As I walked in the door from the meeting with the girls that night, I was greeted by Chi-Won.

He walked out of the kitchen with some fresh hot tea. "How did it go?" He asked handing me the cup.

I take it while nodding my head "thanks, it went surprisingly well."

"Just seeing them again, it felt as if we were back in college," I continued "they haven't changed at all."

I took a sip of the tea while Chi-Won asked "how did they take the news?"

"They were upset, which I shouldn't be, but it did surprise me," he interrupted me "why did it surprise you?"

I shrugged my shoulders "after five years of not speaking to each other, I figured they wouldn't want to meet up, let alone care enough to hear what I am going through."

"Five years is a long time; however, a bond as the one you girls have is still very much there as far as I am aware of," Chi-Won said.

I looked up at him, someone who never met the girls and I've only known for three years can see that our bond is still there.

Yet I am having trouble seeing it after all the years we have stopped talking.

"Yeah, I suppose you are right," I began furrowing my brows "as I said they took it in stride, but Minzy."

I paused and Chi-Won gave me a puzzled look. I gave a sigh "Minzy was upset; however, I feel bad for telling her at a time like this."

"A time like this?" Chi-Won asked with concern.

"She told me she will be going on her very first dance tour," I took a sip of my tea "I told her I don't want her to put the tour on pause due to my illness, but now I feel like I've made it hard on her to make a decision."

Chi-Won nodded his head as I continued. "She wants to meet tomorrow and I'm wondering if it's because she wants to tell me what her decision is."

"What will you do if she decides to stay?" He asked.

I opened my mouth to speak, but I couldn't find what I wanted to say immediately.

"I guess I won't be able to argue with her, she's very head strong," I said with a chuckle "I honestly hope her decision is to go on her tour, live her dream."

Chi-Won came up to me and pulled me into an embrace "you always put others first," he said giving me a kiss on the forehead.

I bit my lip "is that such a bad thing?" He let out a laugh "it is exactly why I married you," he tilted my head up while parting his lips.

His lips met mine as he pulled me closer to him. His kiss felt warm, comforting, and assured me he will be with me until the end of time.

As we pulled away I couldn't help but release some tears. Chi-Won places his hands on my face and wiped the tears with nothing but a smile on his face.

I chuckled "how did I get so lucky?"

He brought his forehead to my forehead "I'm the lucky one." He gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead and took my empty cup into the kitchen.

I followed him in leaning against the doorway and watched him clean the kitchen.

I swear no one makes me feel as if I'm the only girl in the world like he does. He must of read my thoughts for he turned around and gave me a wink.

As soon as he got the kitchen cleaned up, he came up to me and without saying a word took me into his arms.

"Oh," I managed to say in surprise. He chuckled "I don't know about you, but I'm tired."

He said while taking me towards our bedroom. He closed the door behind him with his foot and placed me gently on the bed.

Before he pulled away from me, he came in for another gentle kiss. Which shortly turned into a passionate kiss.

I wrapped my arms around his neck while leaning back towards the bed, pulling him down with me.

He pulled away from me and ran his thumb over my lips and down my chin. His simple touch lit up my body.

I give him a smile "I love you." He came down and kissed my neck multiple times making his way up to my ear. Giving it a love bite then whispering "I love you too."

That night we made love, which was the first after months of not touching each other. It felt as if it was our first time again, hot, heavy, and passionate.

He was everything I wanted and everything I needed.

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