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I parked into Kang's diner to meet with Jae. I head in and went to the bar "Minzy!"

The waitress shrieked from behind the bar. "Hi Boyoung, how are you?" She brought me a menu "oh, you know the usual."

I slid the menu back "uh, I'm actually here to meet Jae-Hyun, have you seen him?"

She shook her head "no dear, you guys have another date?" I chuckled "something like that," I was interrupted with the door chiming.

I turned around, but it was just a small family entering.

"Would you like something to eat or drink while you wait?"

"Sure...sure why not," I took the menu back and flipped it open. As I scanned the menu the thought about Jae being late again kept creeping into my mind.

"Are you ready?" Boyoung interrupted my thoughts.

"Yeah, I guess I'll take a small dish for now, may I have the Goguma Mattang?"

She wrote down my order and took the menu from me "coming right up, sweetie I see the worry on your face, don't I'm sure he will show up." I gave her a bashful nod "thanks."

An hour went by... still no Jae. I hesitated and grabbed my bag "leaving already?"

I hear before getting to the door. "Yeah, sorry Boyoung, he's not showing up...once again."

She whipped the rag she was cleaning the bar with over her shoulder "well, don't worry about it too much if he took up your time it's more than likely he isn't worried too much about it."

I gave her a questionable look. "You're right, thanks," I said giving her a nod before walking out.

I played what she said over and over again in my head, all the times he was late he never really worried because I would always accept his apology.

I was too in love to realize he wasn't putting the effort into our relationship as I was.

I got back to my apartment thirty minutes later. I set my keys down and flopped on the couch, "ah Minzy, why are you so blind?"

I asked myself putting my head into my hands. My phone went off beside me and I take a look.

The Caller ID was Jae-Hyun, I picked up my phone and let it ring a few times.

Maybe if I hang up he will understand the anger that is inside me. Unfortunately, I don't think he cares because he calls again.

I let it ring a few times before answering it this time. "You were late... an hour late... what's the excuse this time?"

I heard chattering in the background telling me he finally made it to the diner.

"Ah..I know I was late, Boyoung already gave me the talk, which I didn't come here for I came to talk to you," I cut him off "you had your chance an hour ago!"

"Look!" He began, but softened his voice, "I've been going through a personal family problem, I'm sorry I was late."

I rolled my eyes "if you are going through a problem, fine Jae, you could of called or texted me, instead of standing me up."

He went silent for a while, "Jae?" "Yeah, I didn't think of that." You never think, I thought to myself.

"Jae, you lost your chance, actually I gave you to many chances."

"Minzy, please don't give up on me, " I gave a sigh " I can't keep doing this anymore, Jae, a relationship is two sided."

He was silent for a while "are you saying it's over?" "Yes Jae, it is over," I said hanging up on him.

I knew if I continued the conversation he would pull me in. He tried calling a few more times, but I let it go to voicemail. I get up to get ready for a shower to help me relax.

If I mean it's over this time I have to remain strong and focus on other things right now. After my shower I walked out and seen I missed 15 calls from him.

I decided to block his number for a while in order to help myself with this decision. I decided to check up on how the tour is going and gave my manager a call.

After three rings she picked up "Hey!" I heard her cheery voice.

"Hey, what's going on?" "Well, your tour dates are all set, prices are set but just one and that is the venue in Seoul. Of course we have the meeting coming up, so I am sure we will come to a conclusion then."

I gave a sigh of relief "you are a miracle worker," I chuckled. "Of course I am!" She exclaimed "was there anything else I can help you with?"

I hesitated about telling her about the ordeal with Jae. However, I decided against it, I figured that if I need to move on I can't continue to think nor talk about it.

"No, that's all I needed to hear, thanks!"

"Minzy before you go, remember to be at my house by 2:30 on Tuesday."

"Yes, I remember," I laughed before we hung up with each other.

That night I did everything to keep my mind off of the decision I made about Jae-Hyun.

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