Park Bom

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We stood at the four corners waiting for Dara to show. I stood there with my hands folded across my chest while biting my cheek due to my nerves. Could be my patience as well making me feel this way.

"Hey, excuse me for running a little late, last minute studying to catch up on," Dara said walking up to us.

Chaerin gave her a small hug "ah, you made it, that is what counts, now let's talk about this situation."

I looked at Dara trying to figure out how to begin the discussion. However, it didn't take long for Dara to begin.

"Bommie, what did you mean when you said I don't seem to have time for you girls?" Dara asked me with her arms folded across her chest.

"I don't know, I think it was my emotions talking, you know I fear losing touch with you girls and as Minzy said earlier, either one of us or none of us have the time for each other anymore."

Dara nodded her head "I get that I really do, but I literally had breakfast with you this morning before I brought Chaerin her ramen, not only that the three of us took a café break together, we all may not have time for each other at the same time, but we make the best of it."

I gave a slight sigh, she is right, it's just my fear getting the best of me. "I understand, it's just that before nothing stopped us from getting together as four, now what is so different than before?" I stood there waiting for an answer.

"The difference is, we are adults now," Dara said softly "it sucks and this is the last thing I wanted to happen, but friendship takes more work now than before."

"She's right," Chaerin chimed in "everything takes time now a days and it is our job to find time in between our busy schedules to get with each other when possible, we can't keep getting upset at one another for not being able to do something with each other when we get a little busy."

I gave them a slight head nod "I'm sorry, I just don't know what I'd do without you girls, I'm scared of losing any of you."

The girls walked up to me and pulled me in an embrace "you won't loose us, get that silly thought out of your head," Minzy assured me.

"Ah, I'm sorry for all of this, I feel as if I'm just an overprotective mother," I said giving a slight chuckle.

They all laughed at me "yeah you are just a bit, but we love you for it," Minzy squeezed me "so, if I'm the mother of this relationship who is the father?"

Dara held a piece of hair to her upper lip and spoke with a deep voice "you're looking at him!"

We all filled the hall with laughter "our little misfit family!" Chaerin declared

"I couldn't agree more." I told her wrapping my arm around her shoulders.

I got back to my dorm room. As I was shutting the door behind me I took out my phone and went into our group chat.

Bom: Thank You girls for the small chat. Really helped me calm down.

CL: What is family for!? ;)

Dara: We love you! Mother ;)

Minzy: and we love you father ^^

Bom: good night girls, lol.

I turned my phone off for the night and placed it onto its charger. I laid there in bed trying to imagine what our future would be like as we grew older with each other.

All the thoughts that raced in my head eventually kept me up all night...

Will Dara still be the same dorky girl we have come to love?

Will Minzy finally fulfill her dancing dream and still be the glue that holds us together?

What about CL? Will she find a job in the medical field as she hopes?

Will I start a family of my own?

Will the universe finally slow down and let us have more time for each other?

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