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Present day: 5 years later

"Order up!" One of the cooks shouted while placing the dish through the window.

The waitress walks up as fast as she could to retrieve the dish, "wait," I took the dish from her hand.

"Hey! You forgot the Fried Crab Parmesan Jumokbap," I looked at the cook who he gave me a confused look.

I brought the dish back into the kitchen "we are not serving the dish without one of  the main things he ordered, where is it?"

He wipes his hands on a towel "they are in the fryer right now, I figured we would give him one dish and then when the crab gets fried we can send it out."

I let out a sigh "with a normal guest that would be fine, this is the food inspector, he doesn't have time to wait."

He nodded his head "I understand, but they take a while to fry, Dara."

"You think I don't know that?" I asked in frustration, "that is why you should of fried them first thing before starting this dish."

I set the dish on the counter and placed my face into my hands. The fryer went off notifying us that it is done, I let out a sigh of relief.

"See, Dara, every time one of these food inspectors come you stress out way to much," he shook his index finger at me.

I just gave him an eye roll and took the dish from him. I walked it over to the food inspector who kept his eye on his watch.

Was he timing how long it took his meal to get to him? "Ok, one order of Bulgogi and Fried Crab Parmesan Jumokbap, enjoy," I gave him a bow before leaving him to his meal.

It took him about an hour to finish his meal. I couldn't tell if he liked it or not and we won't know until tomorrow.

He walked up to the cashier who asked him "How was everything today?"

He gave her a nod "you will know by tomorrow," handing her his card. She swiped it then handed it back to him, "have a good day sir."

She looked at me with a smile and I gave her a head nod of approval. "Alright, I'm going on my lunch, be back in a hour," I said taking off my apron.

I got to my office and took out my phone and dialed my husband. After a couple of rings he picked up, "hello darling, how did the inspection go?" I chuckled "we won't know until tomorrow, how are the kids doing?"

"They are tucked in, they had a long day, of course ready for the day with mommy tomorrow, I don't know if they will get any sleep with how excited they are," he laughed.

"Ah, I don't think I will either, work has kept me busy practically all month," I said with a sigh.

I heard him let out a deep breath "Dara, the offer is still on the table, you can stay at home," I cut him off "Chi-Won honey,  staying home isn't what I want, I love my kids I really do, but I love my job as well, I'm trying to juggle both the best I can."

"You are so stubborn," he stated "that I am and that is why you married me, now I'm going to enjoy some food, love you good night." He wished me a good night before we hung up with each other.

Sometimes I think about his offer, would it be a good idea staying at home? Does working too much make me a bad mother? 

I tend to get caught up in my job, surprisingly enough I actually enjoy what I do for a living.

I can't imagine not cooking, I know I can cook at home. It's just different when you get to cook for others.

Now that I have fulfilled my cooking dream I have been trying to make my own little business that way I can make my own hours and have more time with my kids. However, that seems kind of far fetched.

My lunch has come to an end and so has my worrying about my personal situation.

The more I think about it.... the more I want to take his offer.

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