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I was watching television when I started to hear a bit of commotion in the hallway.

The door was closed making the sounds subtle. Although, it was a bit concerning. Once I went back to watching television I felt a slight pain ripple through my head.

I put my hand up to my forehead breathing in and out slowly. Counting under my breath "1...2..3."

I kept my eyes closed and head down when I heard the door click open. "Dara," I heard a soft familiar voice say my name.

I continued to sit there with my head down and eyes shut as I heard their footsteps get closer.

I gave a slight hum indicating they can continue to speak. "Dara, it's Chaerin."

I nodded "I am aware, it's nice of you to visit."

She placed a hand on my back "are you feeling alright?"

I let out a deep sight raising my head up a bit, but continued to keep my eyes shut.

"I've been having these headaches that come and go," I confess "I have to keep my eyes closed for a bit for if I open them to quickly my vision blurs out."

Chaerin cleared her throat "can I get you some water?"

I shook my head "no, I'll be fine."

I took a deep breath while opening my eyes slowly. As soon as I was able to see clearly I looked over at Chaerin.

Her eyes were red and her cheeks puffy, she has been crying which is unusual coming from her. She does show emotion;however, she tries to stand firm and be the strong one.

"Chaerin, what's wrong?" I asked.

She gave a grim look "Dara, I don't know an easy way to tell you this, but Chi-Won is in critical condition."

My eyes widened as my heart thumped I curled my lips and asked "what do you mean by that, what happened!?"

"He was struck by a semi at a light and rolled a couple of times."

I was frozen for just a moment, my lips started to quiver and before I knew it I was bawling uncontrollably.

Chaerin wrapped herself around me and rocked me back and forth. "Dara, I know how you are feeling, but please calm down," Chaerin asked planting a kiss on my head.

I cried for a good ten to fifteen minutes before it came to me "Chaerin, my kids are they ok!?"

"They are fine, they are out in the waiting room with Bom and Minzy."

Chaerin handed me a tissue taking it to wipe my nose I began to cry again. "Why us?" I asked.

Chaerin once again held me "hey now it may seem terrible right now, but a miracle can happen ok."

"You just have to stay strong and don't let the negative thoughts consume you."

Although I understand she is trying to help me keep strong I feel as if life has taken a turn for the worst.

I set my head in my hands "I'm such a selfish person."

Chaerin let me go asking "what do you mean?"

"Here I am sobbing my eyes out thinking the world is collapsing around me, I never stopped to think what my kids are going through right now."

The room filled with silence for a brief moment until Chaerin spoke up "You know when I walked into the waiting room and saw your kids Dara, they were praying."

I looked at her as she continued "you raised some strong kids and right now they need their mother to be strong too."

I gave a brief smile closing my eyes to let some tears release themselves and to take a deep breath in and out.

"Dara, if you want I could ask if I could stay the night with you, so you won't be alone," she grabbed my hand and held it tightly.

"I would appreciate that," I told her.

She sat at the side of my bed wiping my tears saying nothing more and that itself was enough support to help me stay strong.

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