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"When can we come see her then?" I asked the doctor.

I have been arguing with the hospital for an hour and it seems as if I will not get the answers I need.

The doctor answered with a very monotoned voice "when we feel as if she is in a better mindset we will be sure to give you a call, now my apologies, I don't have time for this, have a nice day."

After the phone went silent I slammed the phone onto the receiver.

It has been three weeks since we have seen Dara along with little to no updates on her well being.

Jae came from behind wrapping his arms around my waist and laid his chin on my shoulder.

"Did you get through?"

"No," I said through a couple of tears "he just hung up on me."

"Give them some time I'm sure we will hear something soon."

"Give them some time?" I cackled "it has been weeks Jae, three weeks time be exact!"

I walked out of his embrace " we have been giving them plenty of time, if we can't see her fine, but all we want is a update!"

My mind is circling I feel as if I am losing my mind. I rub my hands through my hair gently chewing my bottom lip.

"Minzy, please try to understand they are working with Dara, I'm sure we will hear something soon," Jae tries to assure me, but I'm just not satisfied.

I walked into the living room finding Dara's kids playing. I leaned against the wall watching them as my eyes glistened from my tears.

I felt a hand wrap around my back "you have to gather your strength for Dara and for these kids," he whispered in my ear and then gently planted a kiss on my temple.

I wiped away a tear that had slipped. He was right and I knew that,but for some reason something just doesn't feel right.

The children's laughter filled the air putting a smile on my face. "You know sometime down the road we could be standing here watching our own children," Jae confessed.

I hummed "you want children?"

"Of course and if possible I'd like to have your children."

I leaned my head back onto his shoulder imagining a house of our own. Our own little family running around filling the room with screams and laughs. I chuckled at the thought.

Chaerin walked in the door with arms full of groceries "I'd hate to break up your love fest, but can I get a hand?"

Jae allowed Chaerin to ease a bag into his arms while I took a box into the kitchen. As we started to unpack Chaerin asked "did you get any further with the hospital today?"

"No, all he said was when she's in a better mindset he will give us a call," I shook my head as I brought out the milk.

"That's it?"

Chaerin swiped her hair back behind her ear and leaned on the counter "why are they keeping us in the dark on her condition?"

"Possibly because your not family?" Jae chimed in.

Chaerin wasn't happy with that answer "we are family just as much as those kids are, we have been by her side thick and thin through this illness, I will not take that as an answer."

"Forgive me Chaerin," Jae continued this small growing argument "but in the eyes of the hospital your not immediate family, you're just friends; therefore, they have the right to keep things from us unless Dara puts us as her emergency contact."

"Us?" Chaerin chuckled "are you including yourself now?"

"Guys, I know we are all frustrated and concerned,but arguing will get us no where," I said.

"The doctor told me he will let us know when we are allowed to visit her, maybe then we will be able to change her contacts ok?"

Chaerin didn't seem pleased as she kept quiet as we finished unpacking the groceries.

"Has anyone contacted you about the kids?" I ask Chaerin.

"Not yet, given they don't have any grandparents I believe they will be given to Dara's brother if he is willing to take them in."

"How is Sang-Hyun?" I ask.

"I talked to him yesterday, he's the only one who is able to visit Dara, but even with the visits they are not giving him much details on her condition."

"As far as he knows she is grieving as anyone would," Chaerin continued to rock in her chair.

"Chaerin, if he doesn't want the kids where will they go?"

I was afraid to ask that for I know true answer. I know why they have that answer, but what I don't understand is why they can't give us the chance to raise these kids.

"Minzy, why ask something you already know," she answered.

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid they will take them Chaerin, they will take them and then Dara will really lose every part of her."

"Those kids will not be going anywhere if I have a say in it," Chaerin said with determination in her voice.

But it wasn't enough to make me feel secure about this situation.

"If Sang-Hyun feels the need the kids will be better out of his care does he have the power to allow us to take care of them?"

Hesitant to answer Chaerin simply said "we will figure it out when the time comes."

I know this is a touchy subject, but it is a subject that can not be ignored. Those kids need us and god forbid they try to put them in the system.

That is the last thing Dara needs.

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