Chapter- New Begginnings

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Elena POV:

The sun was shining through my white velvet curtains and then and there my ring came in handy. It was 9:15 and the first day of the holidays, I rolled to one side to see Stefan laying lifeless while his perfect skin shone in the sun. "Morning Sunshine" he said smiling as he realised I was staring. "Morning" I said placing a gentle kiss on his soft lips. I laid down with my head resting on his chest but soon enough he had spun me around and was kissing all down my neck. "Stefan, I'm supposed to be meeting Caroline in half an hour" I said quietly while pleasure spread through my body. "So what your late? Who cares" he said smiling cheekily, "excuse me? Have u met Caroline. She cares" I joked. I stood up wearing just my underwear and started to rummage through the clothes that I left at the boarding house. I out on some black skinny jeans and a v-neck jumper, then I placed on the necklace that Stefan gave me, which I had spent an hour scrubbing off the vervain. "So your just going to leave me laying here?" He said putting on fake pout, "yes and it will haunt me that you will be waiting here for me" I said joking, suddenly I was being pinned on the wall and kissed passionately by Stefan. "Goodbye Stefan" I said pulling him away laughing at his shocked face.

I got in my car and Ignored the thousands of phone calls I was getting from Caroline. As I pulled up at the grill, I was greeted by Caroline tapping her foot jokily "care to show up now, miss Gilbert" she said laughing, "Sorry Miss Forbes" I answered pulling her into a warm hug. To be truthful I hadn't seen her in weeks now because she had been off helping Tyler change his friends. I smiled as I saw her cheerful look again after what seemed like forever."Bonnie's inside with Matt" she said hooking her arm through mine. As I walked into the grill I was presented by two arms wrapping round me and hugging me for what seemed like minutes "Bonnie Ive missed you" I said as she pulled away. "So why did you call us all here Caroline?" Matt said as I pulled out my chair. "Well we haven't all been together for a long time, seeing with Tyler and Stefan and D-" she started but I cut her off, "let's not talk about him okay?" I said and they nodded knowing it was a touchy subject. Damon Salvatore, the other brother, the bad guy, and the one who's heart I ripped out and left smashed on the floor. He left town once I made my choice and hasn't came back since. "So what's up, I need news" Caroline said stopping my chain of thoughts. "Well I've got a piece of news, I've got to get back to work cause some of us do have jobs" Matt said laughing at the fact we were all so lazy. "Just us girls then, so what's going on with you and Stefan?" Caroline said like we were some celebrity couple. "We are better than ever to be truthful, this is the first time I've felt complete you know? Without any trouble" I said hinting. "Damon trouble" Bonnie finished, I nodded. Hours went by while we all chatted about everything under the sun. We drank about 4 vodka cokes and by the end of the evening, we were wasted. "This was so fun girls" I said wobbling out of my chair, "but I've got to get back to Stefan" I said waving them off. I pulled out my phone and called Stefan up. In 2 minutes he was here. "Hey drunk one" he laughed, "wanna get in" I climbed in and in a second I was asleep. All I remember is Stefan carrying me up to bed and kissing my. Forehead whispering "I love you"

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