The Hotel Room

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Elena's POV

I woke up at 7 to hear the shower going, it took a moment to realise where I was and why, and then I remembered last night and what had happened. I shut my eyes hoping it was a dream but how ever many time I opened them,it was the same place. Suddenly out came a Damon with just a towel on. "Morning" he said quietly, I didn't answer. My phone rang and and Damon threw me it "cute pic" he said point in to the pic on the caller ID of me and Stefan. "Stefan" I whispered picking up the phone. "Elena, I'm so sorry about last night, I don't know where you are or anything but please just come home" he said panicking, "Stefan I'm fine, I'm at a hotel I stayed there last night just to get away for a bit." I said truthfully, then Damon threw me a drink and I whispered so quietly "thanks" but not quiet enough for a vampire. "Who are you with Elena?" Stefan asked, "I'm with Bonnie and Caroline"I answered lying, "no there at the grill sitting in the booth with me wondering where you are, who are you actually with?" He said suddenly getting angry. "Now don't get annoyed Stefan-" I started but was cut on my Stefan's growling voice "Damon! Your with Damon!" He shouted and I could hear gasps from Caroline and Bonnie. "Please Stefan let me explain, I love you" I pleaded. "So when you said there was nothing between you and Damon and you were just friends was that a lie? When you said that I should realise that I'm the one you love was that a lie? I'm done with this Elena, come home" he said hanging up.

I jumped out if bed and put on some clothes "You Looked Better Before" he said laughing. I pinned him up to the wall "this never happened" I said to him. "Oh but it did Elena, and you lying might as well be like putting a stake into his heart. You've got to tell the truth and you'll get him back" he said, "I love him Damon, that's the truth" I shouted, "Elena, I've got to go nobody likes a lier" suddenly everything came flashing back, the dream I had a few nights ago, when Stefan got killed. Having that Radom dream out of the blew then seeing Damon the next day. He was just at the door when I shouted "You put that dream in my head, you made me have that dream" he just turned around and smirked but I shut the door, "why would you do that?" I shouted pushing him so he was sitting on the bed. "Because it gave you hope, it gave you hope so that you thought I was still alive. I do it every month" then I thought about all the dreams I have about Damon around the same time each month, I thought it was nothing. "You are unbelievable, you don't even care that you've hurt your brother like that?!" I shouted angrily. "Elena,I'm sorry to say this but I don't care about anyone who lives at mystic falls or used to live here, it's history" he said getting up. "Is that why you visit Alaric each month, and is that why you send me dreams each month to know I don't forget you, and is at why you ran away from me because you loved me" I said. "Yes that's why, because if I forget about you, I have nothing" he said closing the door behind him"

I drove back to Stefan faster than all the speed limits, faster than the human eye and I was back in 5 minutes. I made myself presentable and wiped the look of guilt of my face before knocking at the Salvatore's. "Stefan-" I started "no you let me speak today okay?" I nodded. "So that's where you went last night. You went to Damon's hotel room" he asked and I nodded. "Did you need comfort" I nodded. "Did you stay the night" I nodded. "Did you have-" he started "NO!" I lied. "But did you share a bed" I reluctantly nodded knowing he would see right right through me. "I'm so sorry Stefan, I didn't have anywhere else to go." I said, "don't apologise, I pushed you to him I shouldn't of been angry, you were just being a nice friend"then he kissed me gently "I'm just happy nothing happened between you too" he smiled and guilt overcome me.

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