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Elena POV: Elena's Diary

The car journey was the worst. I sat with Damon while Stefan sat next to him. Caroline was driving and tyler was behind us, as far away from Caroline and Klaus as he could be. I sat there hand in hand with Damon but all I could focus on was the pair of striking green eyes that were fixed on me from behind Damon's head. Every now and then Damon would whisper something but I decided enough was enough and I fell asleep knowing that those eyes would still be there when I woke up. I woke up by a shake and Damon staring at me. "Hey gorgeous, we're here" he sat planting a kiss on my forehead.

I put away my diary and sat on the metal chair that was outside some shops at the airport. We still have 3 hours till our flight and nothing to do. We decided to keep a low profile and go second class as rebellious first class vampire don't sound very nice. "Hey" Damon started moving my hair out of my face "want a water from the shop" I nodded sweetly to tired to talk and he stood up. Seconds later so did Stefan and he said some thing about going with him and they walked off. Now it was just me, Caroline and Klaus. "So I'm going to take this opportunity to ask about you and Damon" Caroline said. "There's nothing to talk about. We are together and that's the most of it". But Caroline didn't give up "what about Stefan? Elena you know that your right for each other. Damon is there for the crazy nights or the fancy room or conform every now and then but Stefan's there for life. He will comfort you, be with you, help you and be the perfect boyfriend, why Chose Damon. Damon's just a dick and to be honest if we didn't need him I would of staked his heart by now" she said with a laugh. My face dropped as I looked behind Caroline and saw Damon standing there holding a bottle of water. He placed the bottle on the chair next to me "I guess I'm going to sit somewhere else, you would want to be seen with 'just a dick'" he said doing hand signals. I grabbed his hand "Damon" I whispered but he struggled out.

I ran after Damon but he was gone. I looked everywhere I could see and even asked about if anyone seen him but nothing. I had horrible visions of him walking around lonely and upset. I shook them off, Damon doesn't care what people think. I made my way back to Caroline and I heard her say something "she's clueless Stefan. She will come back to you when she realises what a monster Damon is" then I coughed letting her know I was listening. "Elena-" she started but I cut her off. "Caroline Forbes, miss mystic falls, head cheerleader and party planner. Thinks she's better than everyone else. Well your not, your not better than me. Because I wouldn't ever bad mouth about you and your choses behind your back. And I would never make someone feel so upset they have to leave the airport, and I would never ever sit here and imply that your choses are stupid. So what if I chose Damon. I love him and he loves me. So don't go trying to change my choses when u can't even make up your mind about Tyler and Klaus. Yeah don't you think I know about the multiply kisses to Klaus while you were still with tyler." Her face dropped and so did Tyler's, "oops sorry about that" I walked off smiling.

I stood inline for the plane tapping my foot. I was with everyone but far away from Caroline, but not too far to hear her trying to make up with tyler. I waited and waited and waited for Damon to show up but was disappointed. I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and saw Stefan at the end of it, I picked up the hand and placed it at his side as in to say 'don't even try'. Then my phone went and I picked it up. "Hello" I answered it weary at the unknown number. "Hello princess" the same voice said. "Joseph" everyone shifted where they were standing, "so you thought I was in New Orleans. Bad map skills because I'm in the same place as you right now and I've got someone here, wanna say hello" my heart stopped beating as I realised who was missing. "Elena help" said a gasping Damon thought the phone. "As he so sweet" Joseph said grabbing the phone. I looked to the back of the room and saw Joseph standing there with Damon's neck I his hand. "Don't hurt him please" I said with tears. "Goodbye Elena" and then he left a staked Damon on the floor. A staked in the heart Damon. A dead Damon.

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