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Elena POV:

I grabbed Jeremy's hand and squeezed it. But he just sat there, he didn't talk, he didn't move, he just blinked every now and then. I looked at my brother who had just been shot. Because of me again. "Alaric, take Jeremy back to the house with Bonnie please?" I asked and Alaric nodded. I sat there watching them carry him out, I felt like crying but crying wouldn't help. I pleaded my back on the wall and sat with my legs out and soon enough Damon had too. "School dances are never how their supposed to be" I said, "Well not when they involve angry vampires" Damon said with a little laugh. "You put that necklace around his neck, didn't you?" I asked Damon, "He's all you've got left Elena, I needed to safe him" he answered looking at his feet. "Your starting to do good Damon, it's nice" but he just nodded like it was nothing. I grabbed his hand. "Show it" I said to him, then I raised his chin and repeated it "show it". But before I could say anything else his lips were pinned on mine and he had placed his hands across my face. I just sat there enjoying the moment. And at that point it looked like nothing had changed. I looked in his eyes and he whispers "It will always be you" and I kissed him again. The door clucked open and there stood the one thing I had been waiting to see...Stefan.

"Stefan" I whispered guilty at the fact we hadn't officially broke up. "Sorry, I'm not interrupting am I?" He said suddenly angry. He lifted Damon by his collar and pinned him against the wall punching him in the face. "Stop!" I shouted running over and pushing Stefan off Damon. Suddenly a powerful fist powered into my face and I was knocked to the floor. "Elena, I'm so sorry" Stefan said running to my side "I didn't mean to hit you" he said with tears in his eyes. "Just go Stefan, you've been gone too much recently, it won't make a difference" he ran off. "Elena, are you okay?" Damon said helping me up, "I'm fine Damon. I've never seen him like that" I said standing with my body leaning on the wall. "It's not him Elena, it's the ripper side" Damon answered standing beside me. "Damon, what happened before I meant what I said" I said grabbing his hand. "Elena-" he started but I cut him off placing my finger over his mouth. "Don't say what about Stefan. Because at the moment I don't want to spend one minute with that Stefan let alone be in love with him. So don't do the brotherly love thing because you and me both know that when I say I want something, I will do all it takes to get it" Damon placed his hands over my face, "that's all I wanted to hear he said kissing me passionately. I let myself fall in the kiss and forget everything that was hurting around me. It was just me and him. Me and Damon.

A True Love Story (A Delena Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now