The 1980's- The Planning

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Elena's POV:

I woke up in my normal room and realised we were home. I guess Damon rushed home after the discovery about that man. He wanted Katherine, not me. But now we have crossed his paths Im guessing he will be popping in some time soon. Soon after I got up the bell rang.

I opened the door and a man was standing there in a smart suit and a black tie. "Hello, can I help you?" I said politely, then the man started to struggle in but he couldn't. "Vampires have to be invited in" he started "so invite me in" he said looking deep into my eyes. "You can't compel other vampires and this isn't my house" I said with a fake smile. "Well you give Elena Gilbert this message, Joseph wants to speak and he's not taking no as a answer" then the man walked away. I ran upstairs grabbed my phone and dialled Damon's number, I told him about the mystery guy and he was here in a flash. "Did he say Joseph?" Damon asked, "I think so yes" I said sitting down on my bed. "Joseph was Katherine's fiancée when she was human, but he turned and turned bad. Once he found out she was the doppelgänger he turned her too, he wanted her vampire blood for his master. Now he's seen you and he wants to talk" Damon paced the floor. I put my head in my hands and a tear rolled down my face. "I thought this would all be over when I turned, I thought the doppelgänger blood would be no good" Damon hugged me and I continued to cry on his chest. "Come on, remember your decorating for the dance today, why don't we sort all this tomorrow. And tonight you have fun and dress up stupid" Damon laughed.

"Those boxes need to go in there" Caroline said to me pointing to the building across the grounds. "All these need to be in there ASAP, so we can start putting them up" she said waving her hand as in to say start going.

I picked up the first box which was filled with banners and started to carry it away, "Elena!" Screamed Stefan from behind me. I breathed a bit breath then turned around with a smile. He ran up to me and gently kissed me on my lips. "I've missed you so much" he said hugging me, "I've missed you too"I lied. "If you want to show me how much you've missed me, you should help me with the boxes" I hinted. He picked up the heaviest box and started carrying it inside. But suddenly he stopped, "Elena I'm so sorry I've got to go." He said running after some girl going into the woods. I sat down hm the boxes, looking around me everyone had boyfriends, ones that were always there for them. Mine would trade me in for some blood from the vain. "Caroline's going to kill you when she sees you haven't took the boxes in yet" Damon said with a grin. "My helper had to run" I answered, "want a new helper" I nodded and Damon picked up two of the boxes. "Have you talked to Stefan recently?" Damon asked not looking at me directly, "briefly, he rushed after some girl into the woods. Damon what has he become. He says he loves me and he worries about me but he kills innocent people for fun. There's blood bags in the fridge and he choose the vain?" I said. "He's a ripper, he always has been. He's just been hiding that side so you don't see it, but now he thinks you accept it. So he's going to show it" Damon said looking at me. I just huffed. For the rest of the journey we were silent.

Damon POV:

Talking about Stefan with her killed me. She still loves him but he's just a ripper. She's determined to get him back to his normal self, but I'm the only one who knows what he's like. Ripper hims abusive; he will say things he doesn't mean, He can't control any emotions; he won't ever just be happy and He will ignore people he loves; he will break her heart. I looked at her cry this morning and all I was thinking is why isn't Stefan here? He should be the one comforting her. I love her, but he's the one she loves and I won't change that.

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