For Last Time

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Elena's POV- Elena Diary 10 months on
I haven't wrote for a long while. I haven't seen that I've had too. Nothing dramatic happening, nothing evil, just perfect. We all seemed to move on with our lives over the last 10 months. Stefan's stopped the ripper face and is slowly coming back to himself, he even found himself a girl and he seemed heels over her. Caroline and Klaus finally admitted to the rumours of their relationship and it seems that they are engaged! Bonnie's finally learning some more spells and she's so happy with Jeremy. Speaking of Jeremy, he's graduating high school and has got a job. Now Damon's been the best. He's been loving, supportive, kind and caring all in one package. Now you might be thinking, well they have a baby the spark must of gone but it hasn't. We are still the dangerous love kind just with a smaller version of ourselves. Caroline loves having Jenna about and we always have Date Friday. He's happier than I've seen him ever. Jenna's turning one next month. To think she was that tiny baby I didn't even know just ten months ago. The first time she crawled was such a experience. She started and got to the other side then fell down and started crying. It was amazing to watch and also funny! She mumbles words and we haven't fed her human blood yet so it seems she's a happy human. And that leaves me, little old me. I'm fine, and I don't say that like I used to. Because now I say it when it's true. I'm better than fantastic and happier than incredibly. My whole life just seemed to fall into place. I've got the best friends that I wanted since the start. I've got the uncle Stefan, who's always around for a helping hand. I've got the amazing boyfriend, who despite his efforts to hide it, we all know secretly loves this life much much more. And I've got the baby. The perfect girl, with the brown hair and the perfect smile. I love her so much, I can't believe how much she's grown. I love them all so much!
"Elena, you ready?" Asked an excited Jeremy from the door. He was on a black suit and a red tie, the theme colours. And then I looked in the mirror for the first time. My hair was wavy and fixed half up and half down. I had the precious necklace from my mums collection. And the white Sillitoe shoes that sparkles as I walked. And to top it off the beautiful laced white dress than came pass my ankles and dropped there. "You look amazing" Jeremy said linking arms with me as we walked down the castle steps, that we actually paid for. The music chimed and I saw a thousand guests rise to their feet as they saw me enter but all I was focused on was the dashing man, wearing the black suit at the end of the isle. I smiled, a smile that I had never done before as I saw my baby girl is Caroline's arms. She looked beautiful in her little red, laced dress. They all did. And leant into Jeremy as we reached the end and whispered "I love you Jeremy, don't ever forget that" he walked to the side and stood next to Stefan as they were joint best men. And suddenly it was my turn to do the crying as I looked at Damon. It was so perfect, everything. My head blurred out as I held his soft hand and stood while thousands of guests watched me. "I do" I said as the minister looked at me, "I do" Damon said looking at me intently. And suddenly I kissed him, not caring that the priest hadn't even said to. I kissed him like over never kissed him before. It wasn't passionate, it wasn't too intermit. It was gentle but amazing. As I pulled away everyone clapped and the smile on Damon's face could of make a clown seem sad. "I love you Elena"

"I would like to make a toast" I said standing up from my chair. "Looking around this room I wonder what I've done to deserve this. This is what I dreamt of since such a small age. And everything that had happened to me through the recent years, it made me think I would never get that happy ending I wished for. But now I'm here, smiling and incredibly happy. I would like to say some thankyou a but first I would like to say a little something about everyone I've lost. First of all Aunt Jenna, she was so amazing. Taking on two teens when her sister just died, she was the best guardian I could of ever wished for. I loved her for everything she done for is and everything she didn't do. Like she didn't break down, she didn't ever cry In front of us. And for that I say thank you, Thank you Aunt Jenna for being the best aunt I could of wished for. Now of course to my Mum and Dad, there's no words to describe the pain I went through when I survived and they didn't. There's no words for the tears. And back then I didn't ever think that I would over come that power to cry every time I walked across that bridge. But I did, and I happy like they would of wanted. So thank you mum and dad, for being the best parents. And leaning me to wear I am now. Wow now that's we can stop being so depressed. Anyway Thank you to everyone who has come to celebrate it today thank you for taking the time out of your lives. Thank You to my best friends Caroline and Bonnie for picking me up when I needed it, and snapping me back into reality when I was out of it. Thank you too Klaus, for helping deliver my precious daughter. Thank you to Matt, who despite everything, has always been someone there for me. Thank You to my baby girl, who's brought that extra bit of sunshine into all our lives. Especially Thank You to Stefan, who even though it's been hard has helped with everything me and Damon have asked. Thank you for being one of the greatest friend I could of asked for, and now the greatest brother in law. Now I want to make a special thanks to my brother Jeremy, who has stayed strong through the hard times, been there through everything and been here for me in my happy days. I love you lots. Now Thank you to Alaric, who has been the best he could ever be. You walked into our lives as my aunts new boyfriend, and you walked out as a father figure to me and Jeremy, you've gave advice, not always good. You've gave us smiles, and you've gave us the live we've wanted. Now this last thanks go to a very special person, a very charming, amazing, caring guy, who without him my life wouldn't be what it is now. Someone who even though his days used to be dark, even though he used to be dangerous rose above it all to become the best father ever. Thank you to my husband Damon. You don't understand what you have done to my life, you have filled in the jokes where I hurt and you have made me happy once more. You have picked me up every time I have fallen and you have brushed off the dust. I love you more than I ever imagined I would love anyone, and today you made me the happiest woman alive. So thank you so much my darling Damon, for being that big bit of hope I needed in my life. I love you all. And I especially love you Damon" he stood up and wrapped his arms around me before whispering "I love you Elena!" "I love you too Damon"

Aaahhhh soppy ending to the book. Anyway I will do one more chapter where I will yell you what the new book is called and I will post the first chapter tomorrow. Thankyou so much for reading this and I hope you move on to enjoy my next one. I would just like to do a quick shoutout to Z_Franta_Z because they have been reading since the start and they have favourited and commented on every chapter. So read their fanfic it's really good. Thankyou again and I love you guys soooo much <3

S x

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