The Lost Hearts

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Elena POV:
I lay still and stiff. Aching all over and wishing to be able to move around. But the metal cage around me stops me from doing so. Inside the cage is a bag, I open it and see what's inside. Water (most probably vervain), blood (same again), a stake and my diary. My diary. I pick it up and flick through it before slamming it shut, everything in there from the last 6 months. "Hi" said a known voice but this time it's more quiet. I looked up to see Manson sitting on a chair outside my cage. "What am I doing here?" I ask shifting positions. "Your part of my team now" he smiled. I felt my back and realised there was no pain, but all up my arms the skin was melting away. "I'm dying" I said quietly and he put his finger over his lips. "I know, because of my brother. But you can't be healed so I wanted you to say goodbye to your friends" he said smiling and at that point his smile shined bright. "I can't." But then I heard a noise sounding like Caroline screaming get off me. I turned to see her face all perfect and her hair still I'm position. I looked a wreck, my hair was parted and greasy, I was covered in dirt and I was the palest white. "Caroline" I said gasping for breathe. "Elena, omg Elena. What's happening?" She asked not knowing about the wolfs bane. I coughed and fell back, weaker than ever. But then I felt something touch my shoulder, a female hands with soft palms. "Hiya love" I said the voice coming from my mother.

I shifted back against the gate as I saw her standing there in all her beauty. "Don't be scared, I'm here to tell you to let go" she said reaching out her hand and touching my palm. I could feel it all of it, even when she hugged me. "Mum" I made out. I could hear mumbling outside of the cage but my mind wasn't focused on them and all I could hear was the beating of my heart. Suddenly another figure appeared, my dad. "Sweetie if you say your done. Let go of your friends and Jeremy. Then you can come with us" they boy kneeled down and I felt a tear roll down my face. "I can't what about my friends and Damon" I said playing with my fingers "and Jeremy" I added slowly. "What your immortal friends. Witches, vampires, hybrids. This is not your life Elena" my mum said and I moved my hand from there grasp. "I think your leaving out the bit were I'm a vampire and I will get stuck in the other side" I said moving away from them. "Not if your ready for death, not if you say goodbye. Let go of them and you will come with us" my dad said smiling. "But I'll still be a vampire" I said and then Manson put out his hand. "Not if you take this to the other side with you" he said smiling, but I hit it out of his hand. "NO! I wanna live. I can't leave Jeremy or Bonnie or Caroline" I said reaching out to Caroline, "or Damon" I said quietly. "Damon doesn't love you. He's a vampire, you can be turned back and changed to your innocent self" he said rubbing my hand. Then I heard mumblings of let go. "IM LETTING GO OF YOU!" I shouted and they disappeared. But as I looked round I saw thousands of ghosts all talking to me and I shook my head, "why is this happening?" I asked hitting the floor. "Elena" Damon ran to my side and unbuttoned the gate, Manson just sat there and let him. He stroked my hair and told me it would be okay. "You need to let her out" Damon said. "What so she can run around on her last hours scared and hungry. Ruining my soon to be town" he laughed, "I have a cure" Damon whispered and looked at me and repeated it again.

Minutes past from when Damon had gone. Manson refused to let me out but he said with could bring the cure here. I couldn't eat, sleep or even talk. Caroline sat outside of my cage pressuring me to drink a little but nothing. I couldn't. The buzzing in my head became louder and I still saw the figures at the back of my mind. I heard talking and turned around to see aunt Jena. "Jena" I whispered at the ghost. "But your not dead" I said remembering weeks ago her being alive. "You were there when his brother killed me Elena. You stood right there and cried." She said running to my side. "This has gone too far. At this rate your going to be stuck in the other side forever. You need to let go" she said rubbing my back. "I don't want to let go of my life. Of my friends. Jer. Damon" I said putting my face in my hands. "Don't make me let go" I said looking at her. "Elena, I'm not making you. I'm telling you it's the right thing to do. This cure, won't work it will make everything ten times worst. If you just tell everyone you love that your letting go and say you love them, you'll be with us" she said pointing around her and I saw every distant family member who have died. But at the other corner I saw every immortal I had ever killed, all shouting at me. As Damon ran in shouting my name the noises became clearer. They were shouting don't trust him. They were saying get away quick. But I didn't want to. I loved him too much. "STOP! STOP THE NOISES. I HATE IT. I HATE IT. I hate it" I said getting quieter on the last words. My mind spun around and the last words I heard were, "do something Bonnie". "It's might not work Damon." She said panicking to my side. "Do anything. Just save her. I love her"

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